Matt Matravers

Professor of Law, York Law School

Dignity contact since January 2023

I’ve been at York since 1995(!). I think I’m unique in the history of the University in having been head of two of its academic departments (Politics and Law), of its largest interdisciplinary teaching programme (PPE), and of one of its colleges (Goodricke). As that perhaps suggests, I am committed to the idea of the University as a community; one that includes our students and all our staff. I’ve also realised over the years that most of my job satisfaction comes from helping people. 

I’ve always been passionate about supporting students and staff and about creating and maintaining an environment that is safe, inclusive and welcoming for everyone. The University’s Dignity at Work and Study policy exists to sustain such an environment by providing procedures and mechanisms to report and address incidents of harassment, bullying and hate incidents appropriately. Dignity Contacts like me are members of staff who have volunteered to listen to the experiences of reporting students or staff who have concerns about harassment, bullying, or hate incidents. We’re here to help by providing advice and guidance as well as information on how to navigate informal and formal reporting procedures.

I volunteered for this role because I thought my experience might enable me to help people in challenging circumstances who may need a friendly ear as well as help in making potentially difficult decisions. People have told me I’m a good listener, and nearly 30 years at York have given me considerable insight when it comes to navigating policies and procedures.

You can contact me ( or any other Dignity Contact for a chat if you have any concerns or questions about bullying, harassment or hate incidents affecting you or anyone else at the University. I can provide you with signposting, information, and sources of support to help address your concern.

Contact us

Equality and Diversity Office
+44 (0)1904 324680

Contact us

Equality and Diversity Office
+44 (0)1904 324680