Improving our support for Knowledge Exchange
The Knowledge Exchange Concordat (KEC) is an exciting initiative, developed by Research England.
Built around eight guiding principles, the KEC aims to help universities develop a culture of support and recognition for staff and students undertaking knowledge exchange activities. It has provided a framework by which the University has identified its Knowledge Exchange (KE) strengths and areas for improvement and implemented action plans to enhance our support and activities. Knowledge Exchange is a core element within the five strategic priorities of the University Research Strategy.
Links to transformative initiatives and University strategy
Through strengthening our support for, and breadth of KE activities across the institution, the KEC will help ensure we deliver on both the University Strategy 2030 and the Building Industrial Engagement and Impact (BIEI) transformational initiative.
The KEC action plan
The KEC Action Plan details self-improvement approaches for each of the eight principles of the KEC, with a focus on five priority areas. These activities aim to enhance contributions to the broader KE agenda and ensure improvement across all eight guiding principles.
Our five priority areas
York will focus on five priority areas, identified through extensive consultation:
Focused activities
- The University Research Strategy incorporates Knowledge Exchange (KE), including Impact
- KE Governance responsibilities have been clearly aligned with URC and UPEC
Next steps against our objectives for Priority 1
- Further work to develop KE and Impact KPIs
- Due Diligence Task and Finish group to develop processes, policies and systems for research activity related to Due Diligence
- KE Policies and Processes revised and updated
- To ensure a consistent Due Diligence approach, a Task and Finish Group integrated three key processes. The Due Diligence Operations Group has implemented a comprehensive system covering all partnership types, including revised guidance for staff and a unified Due Diligence and Approvals Panel (DDEAP)
Next steps against our objectives for Priority 2
- Further work to develop a process for monitoring and regular review of KE Policies and Processes
- Development of a CPD and Consultancy costing and pricing model as part of the BIEI programme
- Research and Knowledge Exchange Contracts (RKEC) have created a new Research and Knowledge Exchange Contracts document explaining the University's positions for research and knowledge exchange contracts and the justifications around them. It aims to inform colleagues and external partners and streamline the contracts process.
- BIEI's 'Working with Business' pages offer resources for engaging with new or existing relationships.
- Praxi Auril (PrA) delivered an Introduction to Business Development Programme for 60 staff and bite size drop-in training sessions continued subsequently. A PrA Developing Partnerships Workshop engaged over 60 PrA members.
- New promotions criteria
Next steps against our objectives for Priority 4
- Further work through the BIEI program to explore the integration of KE into staff workload models and appraisal systems
- Review of current feedback practices completed
- New feedback forms designed for any University service (internal or external). The Internal Feedback Form is intended for significant interactions with internal customers and the external feedback form is for canvassing external customers after completing a piece of work or achieving significant milestones for them.
Next steps against our objectives for Priority 5
- Develop appropriate processes for reviewing and acting on feedback
- Feedback collection and review will be included in the Customer Relationship Management (CRM) project. The Centre of Excellence for Science and Innovation Studies (CESIS) has given approval for the implementation and advancement of a CRM system in support of BIEI. Initially, this will involve six business areas, each with numerous collaborators and different systems methods for managing partners. A framework for the utilisation and structure of the CRM will be introduced. The CRM will take an 'adopt' not 'adapt' approach with the core framework being developed and implemented across the institution.
- The project will establish a clear process for data entry, reporting and management to reduce duplicate data entry as far as possible
Other areas of achievement
Alongside the priority areas we identified a wide range of additional areas where we could improve KE culture and support - key achievements in these areas are listed below.
- A Knowledge Exchange webpage has been developed which reflects the University's commitment to public good
- A monthly KE newsletter showcases activities, best practice and policy developments
- The Working with the University external page and video highlight opportunities for collaboration, emphasising the university's expertise and creativity
- The monthly Business Engagement Forum enables staff to collaborate, share ideas, and address key challenges in engaging with external partners
Business engagement
- Enterprise works, is the gateway for SMEs, start-ups, entrepreneurs, and community groups. Enterprise Works helps these businesses and organisations to grow, driving social change by encouraging and supporting entrepreneurial activity
- The Building Industrial Engagement initiative is helping drive industry interactions and generate new income streams
- Nine research innovation fund (RIF) grants provide funding to drive regional growth and business engagement
- A new internal fund, Partnership Acceleration and Commercial Engagement (PACE), supports ambitious partnership and commercial income-generating projects, primarily focused on generating income from Consultancy and CPD services
Capacity building
- New Associate Deans for Partnership, Engagement, and International (AD-PEIs) have been appointed and whose portfolios include championing impact and knowledge exchange
- New practice-based senior roles have been recruited, funded via the BIEI, to drive industrial engagement and income
- Following the NCCPE review of Public Engagement (PE) at York, implementation of recommendations includes:
- The Dean of Social Sciences has assumed the role of senior champion for PE with Research, collaborating with the Pro-Vice-Chancellor for Partnership and Engagement to provide joint leadership in this domain.
- The new Associate Deans for partnerships, engagement and international (AD PEIs) in each faculty are specifically tasked with providing leadership on PE.W
- A new internal Public Engagement with Research webpage has been launched hosting information on support and funding for PE
- Some training requirements within Schools have been identified through discussions with HoDs/workshops etc detail a through review of commercialisation and IP and public engagement (review of training needs)
The Knowledge Exchange Framework (KEF) developed by Research England, intends to increase efficiency and effectiveness in the use of public funding for knowledge exchange and further a culture of continuous improvement in universities. The KEF metrics extend the scope of the HE-BCI survey, leveraging its financial and output data on knowledge exchange. The annual survey covers diverse activities, including business and public engagement with research, consultancy, intellectual property commercialisation and initiatives with societal benefits. Research England then uses specific data elements to allocate the Higher Education Innovation Fund (HEIF).
Success measures are developed in the context of the Research Strategy.
Governance oversight
Knowledge Exchange governance spans both the University Research Committee (URC) and the University Partnerships, Enterprise and Engagement Committee (UPEC) with responsibilities allocated as follows.
- URC: Impact, collaborative research, contract research, placements and sponsored PhD studentships and secondments/exchanges/placements with research-focused activity.
- UPEC: CPD, commercialisation, consultancy, commercial use of facilities and services and public engagement