We can help to engage with local, national, international and specialist media on a range of activities including:
Contact us at the earliest possible stage of your story, even if you’re uncertain about whether your research or event might interest the media.
Think about pictures: interesting images, video or sound are just as effective at attracting media attention as words on a page. Try to have a good selection of high resolution images ready.
Who to contact
General enquiries
pressoffice@york.ac.ukAlistair Keely
Head of Media Relations
+44 (0)1904 32 2153Samantha Martin
Deputy Head of Media Relations (job share)
+44 (0)7385341616Shelley Hughes
Deputy Head of Media Relations (job share)
+44 (0)7384238992Out of hours for urgent media inquiries only
+44 (0)7795 315029
For other research communications
Sarah Heathwood
Head of Research Communications