We explore the evolution of technologies, services and process, and how to manage the risks that innovation entails.

Innovation poses challenges to the sustainability of established firms and, much more generally, the current economic and social order. Building a sustainable economy in a world of continual change calls for an understanding of the risks posed to customers, policyholders, employees, managers, shareholders, investors, and the general public.

We work to understand new patterns of engagement with technology and new risk behaviours. Our research aims to predict unforeseen complexity and disruptions to existing business models. Our experts contribute to interdisciplinary research projects with mathematicians, environmental scientists, biologists, economists, engineers, historians and linguists.

Conference in Celebration of David Wilkie’s 90th Birthday

We invite you to join us in celebrating David Wilkie's remarkable contributions to the field of Actuarial Science on the occasion of his 90th birthday on 11 April 2024 at The Guildhall, York. Visit the conference page for further information, submit an abstract of your paper and to book your place.  

Research highlights


Risk regulation

Alexander McNeil
We're working with regulators of the financial industry to improve the internal model validation regime applied to the capital models used by banks.

Fuel that costs the Earth

Mark Freeman
How much should today’s society sacrifice for the good of future generations? We're helping to establish a consensus on how to account for the cost of climate change.

Digital disruption

Beatrice D'Ippolito
From streaming services to challenges from new players in the media market, we're exploring how the BBC is handling the disruptive effects of digitalisation.

Self-control in 2020

Kristian Myrseth
Smartphones affect our judgement and influence our behaviour. What can we do to avoid the temptation that technology puts right before our eyes?


Quantitative Risk Management

Experts in finance, actuarial science, accounting and mathematical economics use quantitative models to solve problems relating to the measurement and management of risks. Their work has implications for decision making and government policy.

We work with peers at regulatory bodies, including the Federal Reserve, and with professions such as the Institute and Faculty of Actuaries (IFoA), the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales (ICAEW) and the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (CIMA).

Centre for the Evolution of Global Business Institutions

The Centre for the Evolution of Global Business Institutions (CEGBI) studies trends in the management of global businesses including IP and branding, human engagement with digital technology and complexity in business operations. Researchers work with peers at a range of universities in the UK and abroad as well as in collaboration with industry partners such as Unilever and Morrisons.

Open Innovation

The Open Innovation sub-theme examines the development of new methods of organising and managing the innovation process that emphasise the role of interaction with user communities.