Unpaid Care Work and Covid-19: A Missed Opportunity to Recognise, Value and Take Action?
Event details
Globally, 75% of unpaid care work is carried out by women and girls and this gendered burden of labour intersects with inequalities of race, class and caste. What is commonly referred to as the economy - consisting only of production and measured only by GDP - would not function without this work, of maintaining and reproducing the population, which is undertaken every day within homes and communities. Unpaid care work accounts for a huge part of global economic activity: in 2016, for example, unpaid household service work in the UK was valued at £1.24 trillion, nearly two-thirds of the country's GDP. Yet, care work remains largely unvalued, unrecognised and unsupported in society. The Covid-19 pandemic has foregrounded its fundamental importance for society and the economy; at the same time, pandemic policy responses have exposed and exacerbated the persistence of gender inequality in care work and revealed the inadequacy of existing support structures. How are feminist and women’s movements challenging this continuing non-recognition?
This webinar is organised in collaboration with WICID
- Dr Diya Dutta is currently a Research Manager and Theme Lead, India and the World at Oxfam India. She holds a PhD in Sociology from Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU) and attained her MPhil degree in Development Studies at Oxford University specializing in gender, South Asia's political economy, and ageing. She has worked in programme, research and policy advocacy roles with various national and international organizations including the United Nations. She has domain expertise in gender, decentralized governance, social transformations, ageing, demography, women's political empowerment, violence against women, demographic trends, chronic poverty, urbanization, trade & investment, regional cooperation and South Asia.
- Professor Juliana Martínez Franzoni is Humboldt Chair and full professor at the University of Costa Rica. She conducts comparative research on social policy in Latin America. She has been a Fulbright scholar and a visiting fellow at the Kellogg Institute for International Studies (US), DesiguALdades-net (Germany), CIEPP (Argentina), and the University of Austin (US). Her most recent articles were published in Social Politics (2017) Latin American Research Review (2014) and ECLAC Review (2014). Her most recent book, written with Diego Sánchez-Ancochea, is The Quest for Universal Social Policy in the South: Actors, Ideas and Architectures (Cambridge University Press, 2016). She is editor of Social Politics and undertakes regular consultancies with different international institutions like UNDP and UN-Woman.
- Dr Rosemary Morgan is an Assistant Scientist at Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, in the Department of International Health, with a joint position in the School of Nursing. She is the Associate Chair in Inclusion, Diversity, Anti-Racism, and Equity (IDARE) for the International Health Department. Rosemary has expertise in gender, gender analysis, and intersectionality. She currently leads the Sex and Gender Analysis Core for the NIH funded Sex and Age Differences in Immunity to Influenza (SADII) Center. She is the co-primary investigator on a project exploring the gendered effects of COVID-19 in Bangladesh, Kenya, Nigeria, DRC, and Brazil supported by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, as well as an advisor on a CIHR funded project exploring the gendered effects of COVID-19 in Canada, the UK, China, and Hong Kong and co-coordinates an international Gender and COVID-19 Working Group. Also, she works as a Gender Equality and Social Inclusion (GESI) advisor for the UK Partnerships for Health Systems programme (UKPHS).
- Dr Ruth Pearson is an Emeritus Professor of Development Studies at the University of Leeds and an international development consultant. Professor Pearson has been with the University of Leeds since 2000 after establishing the Gender Analysis and Development programmes at UEA where she was MA Director in Development Studies 10 Years and holding the Chair in Women and Development at the Institute for Social Sciences in The Hague. Her research has been focused on analysing globalization from a gender perspective, examining changes in the employment of women workers internationally, reflecting the increased complexities of global production systems, and the ways in which work on migration, care and reproduction have enhanced the understanding of the gendered nature of globalisation. Recently her research has expanded geographically from a focus on Latin America to include the Thai-Burmese border and the South Asian diaspora in the UK. Ruth is also involved with a number of international (UN), bilateral and national development agencies and NGOs.
- Tallulah Lines, Research Associate, IGDC, University of York
- Jayanthi Lingham, Postgraduate Research Fellow, WICID, University of Warwick
Photo by Adam Wilson on Unsplash (CC0 1.0 Universal Public Domain Dedication)
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