PGR Policies and Programmes Committee
The PGR Policies and Programmes Committee (PPPC) is a subcommittee of, and reports to, York Graduate Research School Board (YGRSB).
YGRSB reports to Senate via University Research Committee.
Terms of reference
On behalf of York Graduate Research School Board (YGRSB), to assure the standards of postgraduate research (PGR) programmes, and to monitor and promote the enhancement of the quality of the academic experience of postgraduate researchers (PGRs).
Reporting structure
On matters relating to new PGR programme approval, PPPC reports directly to Senate.
On matters relating to PGR assessment, the Standing Committee on Assessment reports to PPPC. SCA reports directly to Senate on the approval of PGR awards.
Contact us
Chair: Professor Paul Wakeling
Dean of York Graduate Research School
Secretary: Juliet James
PGR Quality and Governance
- To develop, monitor the implementation of, and review regulations, policies and guidance relating to the standards of PGR programmes and the quality of the academic experience of PGRs (including supervision), including Regulation 2 and the Policy on Research Degrees (in conjunction with the Standing Committee on Assessment for assessment).
- To approve proposals for new PGR programmes, for the suspension or withdrawal of PGR programmes (with respect to the academic case), for modifications to PGR programmes and for collaborative PGR provision (recommending approval to YGRSB in the case of high risk ventures). Also to approve taught degree programmes taken only by PGRs as set out in the Policy on Research Degrees.
- To monitor the standards of PGR programmes and the quality of PGRs’ academic experience (including through data, surveys, and review processes) and ensure that appropriate action is taken in response.
- To support the enhancement of PGR programmes and PGRs’ academic experience through the identification and dissemination of good practice and innovation in these areas (institutionally, nationally and internationally) and through the development and celebration of good practice and innovation in these areas at York.
- To promote PGR engagement on the standards and quality of PGR programmes and the academic experience of PGRs (in conjunction with the Graduate Students’ Association).
- To oversee Graduate Teaching Assistant (GTA) policy and its implementation as this impacts on PGRs (in conjunction with University Teaching Committee - which owns the Policy on GTAs - and Human Resources).
- To promote equality, diversity and inclusion in relation to all the above.
Ex officio members
- Dean of York Graduate Research School (Chair): Professor Paul Wakeling
- Director of Postgraduate Research Arts and Humanities: Professor Craig Taylor
- Director of Postgraduate Research Science: Dr Gianluca Tempesti
- Director of Postgraduate Research Social Sciences: Dr Claire Smith
- Academic Officer, The University of York Students' Union (or alternate): Ms Fenella Johnson
- Chair of Standing Committee on Assessment (or Deputy): Professor Steve King
- Deputy Head of Student Administration (Student Casework and PGR Administration): Mr Tom Richens
- Head of the Policy, Integrity and Performance Team (or PIP alternate): Dr Andrew Taylor
- Head of the Building Research and Innovation Capacity Team (or BRIC alternate): Ms Megan McLoughlin
- PGR Quality and Governance Officer (or alternate) (Secretary): Dr Juliet James
Nominated members
- One departmental/faculty PGR representative (or alternate): Mr Willis Ruiz Marin (DERS)
- Up to two academics from the Faculty of Arts and Humanities: Professor Michelle Alexander (Archaeology) (until 31/7/25), Dr Marta Herrero (TFTI) (until 31/7/25)
- Up to two academics from the Faculty of Sciences: Dr Emma Hayiou-Thomas (Psychology) (until 31/7/27), Dr Peter Coventry (Health Sciences) (until 31/7/25)
- Up to two academics from the Faculty of Social Sciences: Dr Clare Jackson (Sociology) (until 31/07/25), Dr Andrew Pickering (Economics) (until 31/7/25)
- Graduate Administrator: Ms Camilla Danese (Electronic Engineering) (until 31/7/25)
In attendance
- Director of Student Support Services and Representation, The University of York Students' Union: Ms Rachel Barber
One third of ex officio and nominated members.
Nominated academic members should be current or former Graduate Chairs (or similar eg DTP/CDT leads) and/or have considerable experience of supervising PGRs. At least one academic member should be serving on University Teaching Committee to provide a link to this committee. The Graduate Administrator member must be serving in that capacity. For nominated members, the standard term of office is three years and the maximum term is six years.
Unless otherwise stated, the deadline for receiving papers is two weeks before the meeting.
Meeting dates 2025
Date | Time |
Wednesday 26 February | 10am to 12 noon |
Wednesday 23 April - additional meeting, only if needed | 10am to 12 noon |
Wednesday 4 June | 10am to 12 noon |
- Minutes 13 November 2024
- Minutes 26 February 2025
- Minutes 23 April 2025
- Minutes 4 June 2025
- Minutes 17 November 2021
- Minutes 9 February 2022 (PDF
, 335kb)
- Minutes 25 April 2022 (PDF
, 264kb)
- Minutes 7 June 2022
Parent committee and associated subcommittees
Contact us
Chair: Professor Paul Wakeling
Dean of York Graduate Research School
Secretary: Juliet James
PGR Quality and Governance