The Access and Participation Monitoring and Evaluation Team, within Student and Academic Services, is responsible for overseeing and monitoring the progress of the University’s latest Access and Participation Plan, as approved by the Office for Students.

The team is also responsible for robust and research-informed analysis of all of the University’s widening access and participation activity, across the whole student journey, from pre-entry and access, through to student success and progression.

Three core values for evaluation at the University of York:

What versus Why 
We can evaluate the interventions (the what) but in order to truly understand their impact we need to be able to explain how they work for specific students (the why).

We need to ensure we focus our evaluation resources on the interventions which require the most investigation. Consideration of the amount of existing evidence and investment will affect the level of evaluation required.

No blame
We want to evaluate without fear of blame. We as evaluators believe it is as important to understand when an intervention doesn't work as when it does. It is about lessons learned.

For general enquiries, please contact us on

Find out more

View the documents to learn more about our work across Access and Participation:

Evaluation Framework (PDF , 141kb)  A practical tool for evaluating Access and Participation interventions

Bursaries Research and Impact Evaluation (PDF , 448kb) Report on research from the Sector on financial support for students and the impact evaluation of bursaries for undergraduate students at York

Bursaries Survey Results (PDF , 127kb) Survey results for the report on the impact evaluation of bursaries for undergraduate students, published February 2023

Measures of Socio-Economic Disadvantage Briefing Note (PDF , 415kb) Briefing Note using publicly available data to make recommendations regarding measures of socio-economic disadvantage 

Comparison Universities Report (PDF , 176kb)  Research report using public datasets to identify English universities similar to York in terms of structure and size

View our plans

Read our current Access and Participation Plan, accessible summary and fee summary.

Access and Participation Monitoring and Evaluation Team Members

For general enquiries, please contact us on

Name Title
Fran Hornsby Access & Participation Plan Manager
Jess Burchell Research and Evaluation Officer
Amy Simkin Research and Evaluation Officer