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Recycling and Waste

None of our main waste at the University of York goes to landfill.

To continue to reduce, reuse and recycle the waste we create at the University, we need your help too. Make sure you're making the most of the waste facilities across campus by reading the information below.

This information applies only to bins on campus. Other services are operated by the council.

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Sustainability at York


of main waste at the university was recycled in 2022/23.

19.5 tonnes

of waste was reused through the WarpIt system.

Over £110,000

has been saved through using the WarpIt scheme.

Zero, zilch, nada

None of our main waste generated at the University goes to landfill.

Over 1,500,000 cups

Saved from being disposed of by the YORCUP scheme (since 2019).

Over £136,026.75

Raised by the latte levy to be reinvested in sustainable initiatives.

A-Z Waste Guide

Where to put your waste

Check out our waste guide for the best ways to dispose of your unwanted items on campus.

A-Z University waste guide

Donate, reuse and recycle

Before you throw an unwanted item away, consider whether it’s something that could be donated or reused. If that’s not an option, recycle it if possible.

The WarpIt Reuse Scheme

If you’re a member of staff,  advertise your department’s unwanted goods and furniture on the University Warp It Reuse Scheme. You can also use it to source items for your department.

Donation banks

British Heart Foundation donation banks are located at every college, so that you can donate clothes and other small items.

Donation bank and electrical drop-off point map

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Sustainability at York