Ordinance 15: Boards of Studies

Constitution of Boards of Studies

15.1 For the purposes of Statute there shall be a Board of Studies for:

  1. each subject or combination of subjects in which students are admitted to follow any degree course;
  2. such other subjects or programmes of study as the Senate may, from time to time, approve.

15.2 All provision leading to qualification, credit or award from the University will be subject to oversight from a Board of Studies. 

15.3 There will be a single Board of Studies for each academic department or School within the University. The Senate may also approve other Boards of Studies in respect of provision that sits outside an academic department or School, and delegates these to an appropriate committee of the Senate (ie University Teaching Committee).

15.4 A Board of Studies shall consist of those members of the staff appointed to posts to teach any of the provision prescribed for the Board. If no subjects have been expressly approved by the Senate in relation to that Board, membership will comprise such members of the staff as shall have been designated by the Senate by name or role as members of that Board. Senate may from time to time approve alternative arrangements for the membership of other Boards of Studies.

15.5 Each Board of Studies shall have power to co-opt other members of staff appointed by the University, as the Board considers appropriate.

15.6 Each Board of Studies shall have undergraduate, taught postgraduate and postgraduate research student representatives in its membership, except where the Board does not govern provision at that level. Student membership will include appropriate arrangements for representation of students on any combined programmes which are governed by the Board of Studies. In the case of the International Pathway College, undergraduate is taken to include foundation students and postgraduate pre-Masters students.

15.7 Each Board of Studies shall include the relevant Faculty Librarian(s) as an ex officio member.

15.8 Each Board of Studies is empowered to decide which items of business should be reserved items, according to a scheme of classes of such items approved by the Senate, and to exclude student members from the Board during discussions of and voting on those items.

15.9 Each Board of Studies is empowered to delegate business to appropriate subcommittees. Where authority is delegated, this should be clear within the terms of reference of the subcommittee.

15.10 Each Board of Studies shall from among its own members elect its own Chair who shall hold office normally for a period of three years beginning 1 August in the year in which they are elected. Boards of Studies may also elect a Deputy Chair for the same period. The Chair or Deputy Chair of a Board of Studies shall be eligible for re-election but, except with the approval of the Senate, shall not hold office for more than two consecutive periods of office. Senate may from time to time approve alternative arrangements for the appointment of the Chair or Deputy Chair of the Board of Studies.

15.11 Each Board of Studies shall appoint a Secretary, co-opting the Secretary to the membership as necessary.

Meetings of Boards of Studies

15.12 Each Board of Studies shall meet not less than three times per academic year. The Chair shall act as convenor for additional meetings at the request of two members of the Board.

15.13 The quorum shall be one third of the total membership of each Board of Studies. For items of business which are reserved under Ordinance 15.8, account shall not be taken of student members of a Board in calculating its quorum. Senate may from time to time approve alternative arrangements for the quoracy of other Boards of Studies.

15.14 Notwithstanding Ordinance 15.13, in exceptional circumstances where it is not possible to convene a quorate Board of Studies, the Senate shall be asked by the University Secretary (or Pro Vice-Chancellor for Teaching, Learning and Students where delegated to University Teaching Committee) to approve the establishment of a Board of Studies Executive Committee of three or more of the members of the Board of Studies which will have the power to approve the recommendations of the Boards of Examiners and submit them for approval by the Standing Committee on Assessment, acting on behalf of the Senate.

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