Ordinance 11: Custody and use of the University Seal

11.1 In line with Article 2 of the Charter, the Common Seal of the University (the Seal) is kept in secure custody of the University Secretary on behalf of the Council.

11.2 The application of the Seal will be authenticated by the signature of two designated individuals as set out in the Financial Regulations and Scheme of Delegated Authority as follows: the Treasurer, Deputy Treasurer, Vice-Chancellor and President, Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Provost, University Secretary, Finance Director, Chief Operating Officer, Director of Technology Estates and Facilities.

11.3 A Seal Book or Register is maintained by the University Secretary summarising the nature, date and other key information where the Common Seal has been affixed, and information on the individuals who have attested to this. The Register may be available for inspection by members of the Council, and by other parties where there is a lawful requirement, or the University Secretary considers it appropriate to do so.

11.4 Regulations and Policy on the use of the Seal are maintained by the University Secretary’s Office.

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