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Green Impact

Recognising and awarding sustainability of staff at work, whatever the setting.

What's Green Impact?

Green Impact is a sustainability accreditation programme for staff and students that rewards green behaviours within colleges and departments. It is run by SOS-UK (a sustainability charity).

Contact us

Green Impact Team

This year Green Impact has involved

1556 actions completed

and 12 unique projects completed as part of the programme

15,458 sheets of paper saved by Green Impact Teams

289 actions directly linking to the UN SDGs

30 teams submitting

reaching 2,833 members of staff and students

37 awards to present

77 students trained as Auditors/Project Assistants

widening their university experience

How does it work?

The program operates through an interactive online workbook, providing staff and students with a framework to complete actions and implement positive changes. It is customised to different divisions such as labs, colleges, or offices giving the teams flexibility to choose and complete specific actions to earn accreditation. If you're a staff member or postgraduate you can take part by joining your departmental team. If you're a student, you can volunteer to be an auditor.

Join the 2024/25 programme launch webinar on 23 September, 11am to 12pm to find out how to take part this year. The recording and slide deck will also be available afterwards.

If you're a staff member or postgraduate

  1. Register by completing your details on the right-hand side of this web page. Registration will open on 23 September 2024.
  2. Verify your account to access the toolkit
  3. Create or join a team. Check to see if your team is already there, otherwise the first person to register from each team will need to create it
  4. You will then have access to the NEW toolkit and begin working towards your Green Impact award
  5. The user guide will help you use the new system and get the most out of Green Impact

You will then have until 25 April 2025 to complete as many actions as you can, and submit your toolkit for your Green Impact award.

Register as a staff member or postgraduate

If you're an undergraduate student

You'll can gain valuable work experience with York Award and IEMA accredited training (which can help improve employability) by volunteering as a Green Impact Auditor.

  1. Register to become a Green Impact Project Assistant (GIPA) or audit a team's work after their workbook submission in April.
  2. Email to find out about more.

Register to be a GIPA

The awards

Awards are presented in June, accompanied by a celebratory lunch where, hopefully, your team will achieve one of the award categories: Bronze, Silver, Gold and Platinum. 

There are also special awards for efforts above and beyond the workbook. You can also choose to do a project based award, which focuses on one action and its spread through the University and the community.

Getting started

Choose the list for you work type (office, labs, college, etc) and complete actions worth 125 points to get a Bronze award or 175 points to get a Silver award. Tackle 225 points worth of actions and you can win Gold, or 300 points for the ultimate - a Platinum award. Your team has until early April to complete the actions and you can request a student Green Impact Project Assistant to help you achieve them.

Sustainable at work and home

It doesn't matter if some of your team are working remotely as we have a range of new and fun actions, which can also save you money at home.

Teams and awards

Use the dropdowns below to find a list of teams that won Green Impacts awards.

Team name Award level
Biology M2 Lab Platinum
Biology Teaching Lab Technicians Platinum
Department of Computer Science Platinum
Eco Owls Platinum
Environment & Geography Labs Platinum
GCCE Sustainability Team Platinum
Green Careers Platinum
Green Goodricke Platinum
Green OPPAtunities Platinum
Green Vanbrugh Platinum
Halifax College Platinum
Institute for Safe Autonomy Platinum
International Pathway College Platinum
Lichman Lab (CNAP) Platinum
The Norwegian Study Centre Platinum
GCCE Sustainability Team (project x2) Platinum
Green OPPAtunities Platinum
International Pathway College Platinum
The Norwegian Study Centre (project x2) Platinum
Anne Lister College Gold
Biology Infrastructure Team Gold
Faculty Support Office Gold
Wentworth College Gold
Department of Computer Science (Project x2) Gold
Geography and Environment Students Managing Sustainability (project) Gold
Institute for Safe Autonomy (project) Gold
DoHS Green Impact Silver
Centre for Health Economics (project) Silver
Natural Sciences Green Team (project) Silver
DTEF Providence House Bronze
Green Constantine Bronze
James College Going Green Bronze
The Stables Green Impact Team Bronze
YCL Catering & Hospitality Bronze
Legally Green Participation award
York Plasma Institute Participation award
Team name Award level
Department of Health Sciences Bronze
The Green Stables at Home Bronze
Halifax College Silver
Centre for Health Economics Silver
Natural Sciences Green Team Silver
Department of Computer Science Gold
EOD Eco Owls Gold
Norwegian Study Centre Gold
Green Vanbrugh Gold
Biology Teaching Lab Technicians Platinum
Department of Environment and Geography Platinum
Green Careers Platinum
Green Chemistry (x2) Platinum
Green Goodricke Platinum
Green OPPAtunities (Toolkit) Platinum
Imaging & Cytometry Lab, Bioscience Facility Platinum
Institute for Safe Autonomy Platinum
International Pathway College Platinum
M2 lab Platinum
WACL Waste Warriors Platinum
Department of Biology - UniGreen Team Platinum
Turning Pages Platinum
Green Chemistry Platinum
Green OPPAtunities (Project) Platinum


Team name Award level
Department of Archaeology Platinum
Biology DMT Hub Platinum
BTL Technicians Labs Platinum
Communications Bronze
Constantine College Colleges Silver
Department of Environment and Geography Labs Gold
Green Careers Platinum
Green Chemistry Labs Platinum
Green Goodricke Colleges Bronze
Green OPPAtunities Platinum
Halifax College Colleges Gold
Department of Health Sciences Bronze Project
Imaging and Cytometry Lab, Bioscience Facility Labs Gold
Institute for Safe Autonomy Silver
International Pathway College Platinum
L1  Labs Bronze
Langwith College Colleges Bronze
M2 Lab Labs Platinum
Natural Sciences Green Team Gold
Natural Sciences Green Team Silver Project
The Green Stables at Home Bronze
WACL Waste Warriors Labs Silver
WACL Waste Warriors Gold
Wentworth Graduate College Colleges Bronze
Team nameAward level
BTL Technicians Gold Lab
Biology DMT Hub Team


Biology Environmental Performance Group Gold Project
Biology H&Q Block Labs Gold / Gold L
Computer Science Platinum
Constantine College Bronze/Silver Project
DFST (Dalham) Bronze
Department of Environment and Geography Gold Lab/Gold Project
Genever Lab Labs Platinum
Green Careers Platinum
Green Chemistry Platinum/Labs Platinum
Green OPPAtunities Gold
Imaging & Cytometry Lab, Bioscience Facility WT Bronze Lab
International Pathway College Platinum
L1 Bronze Lab
Langwith College Bronze/Silver Project
Lichman Group (CNAP) Silver Lab
Marketing and Communications Platinum
McQueen-Mason Lab Lab Platinum
Natural Sciences Green Team Gold
The Green Stables at Home Gold
YCL Catering and hospitality Platinum
York Plasma Institute Silver
York Science Park Gold
UYSEG Green Team Silver
Team nameAward level
Biology DMT Hub Team Gold
Biology H&Q Block Labs

Labs - Gold

Biology Project Gold Project
BTL Technicians Labs - Gold
Computer Science Green Impact team / #00FF00 Gold
Constantine College TBC
Denby Lab (CNAP) Gold Project
Department of Education Bronze
Environment Building Most Improved Team
Labs - Silver
Gold Project
Green Careers Gold
Green Chemistry Labs - Gold
Green OPPAtunities Silver
Information Services - Library and Archives Silver
Interdisciplinary Global Development Centre Bronze
International Pathway College Silver
L1 Labs - Bronze
Langwith College Colleges - Bronze
Lichman Group (CNAP) Labs - Bronze
Marketing and Communications Gold
McQueen-Mason Lab (CNAP) Labs - Gold
Natural Sciences Green Team Silver
Student Award
Providence Planet Pioneers! Bronze
Sociology Gold
The Stables Silver
UYSEG Green Team Silver
YCL Catering and Hospitality Catering - Gold
York Plasma Institute Bronze
York Science Park Silver
Team Award level
Alcuin EnvironmentAL Colleges Bronze
Bancroft Lab (CNAP) Labs Gold
Biology DMT Hub Silver
BTL Technicians Labs Gold
Centre for Immunology and Infection Labs Silver
Chemistry Teaching Labs Labs Gold
Chemistry.At.York Working Towards Excellence
Computer Science Green Impact Team Gold
Constantine College Gold
Colleges Bronze
Denby Lab (CNAP) Labs Gold
Genever Lab Labs Gold
GI Health Sciences Working Towards Excellence
Green Careers Gold
Green Chemistry

Labs Gold

Green OPPAtunities Bronze
Information Services Bronze
International Pathway College Gold
Langwith College Colleges Bronze
McQueen-Mason Lab (CNAP) Labs Bronze
Providence Planet Pioneers! Bronze
REcyclers Bronze
Sociology Silver
tHink gReen Gold
UYSEG Green Team Silver
WACL Waste Warriors Gold
Wentworth Graduate College Bronze
YCL Catering and Hospitality Catering Gold
York Science Park Bronze

Contact us

Green Impact Team