Our supportive and inclusive working environment encourages students and staff to fulfil their potential and achieve their ambitions.

Our supportive and inclusive working environment encourages students and staff to fulfil their potential and achieve their ambitions.

We are guided by the principles set out in the London Mathematical Society Good Practice Scheme. Since 2013, we have held an Athena Swan Bronze award and our Athena Swan application (PDF , 14,899kb) showcases our commitment to supporting the advancement of women's careers in science, technology, engineering, medicine and mathematics (STEMM). The Department's Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Committee (EDI) supports the Department's EDI initiatives.

Here are some of the ways we support equality, diversity and inclusion: 

  • The annual EDI lecture - To promote awareness of matters relating to equality, diversity and inclusion and help initiate conversions on the topic, EDI initiated the EDI annual lecture series in 2022. 
  • The Piscopia initiative - York postgraduate research students have joined the Piscopia initiative, which encourages women and non-binary people to pursue studying mathematics at higher levels with career events and seminars aimed at an undergraduate audience.
  • Celebrating mathematicians - On a regular basis, we celebrate mathematicians (groups and individuals), from the UK and beyond, with profiles are written by our staff and students.
  • EDI Champions - The department has 2 EDI champions. Their role is to promote awareness of matters relating to equality, diversity and inclusion, and share best practice across the university.
  • Outreach - We are involved in a wide range of outreach activities. We offer activities and events for school pupils to help inspire enthusiasm for the study of mathematics and open up opportunities for all, but also engage with the general public.

Contact us

Department of Mathematics

+44 (0)1904 325174

Supporting staff and students

At York, we have various sources of support and information about equality, diversity and inclusion. Every department has an Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Champion who acts as a visible and proactive advocate of EDI within their department.

Regular events are held to raise awareness of present-day barriers and highlight ongoing work to remove such challenges across the University. 

Contact us

Department of Mathematics

+44 (0)1904 325174