Faculty Librarian Team
Your Faculty Librarian is your main contact in the Library. They can help you identify specific resources for your subject and talk to you about tools and techniques for working effectively.
The Faculty Librarian team make sure that the academic and student voice are heard and that key messages from the Library and Archives are being communicated. They are responsible for the delivery of digital literacy teaching within departments and also work to ensure that the Library collections are developed to reflect your teaching and research needs.
Each of the three faculties has Faculty Librarians (FLs) to represent them; you will often see FLs at meetings such as Board of Studies, and teaching on modules.
Support for students
Your Faculty Librarian can help you to identify specific resources for your subject and talk to you about tools and techniques for working effectively to make the most of what the Library offers. They offer support through teaching sessions, one-to-one appointments over Zoom or in-person, answering questions via email and providing information on the guides below.
The referencing guidance contains advice and examples to help you use your department's referencing style correctly.
Related links
Support for staff
The Faculty Librarian team consists of information professionals who are qualified to provide information literacy training and collection advice. They are ex officio members of departmental Boards of Studies and are happy to attend other relevant meetings such as Teaching Committee.
If you are a module leader, contact us to discuss how we can provide embedded teaching relevant to your course and student assessments. We are also here if you wish to discuss collection needs, especially if you are planning a new module or programme.
For more general information about the library, we have an Information For Academic Staff page you may find useful.
Information literacy
Information literacy is the ability to think critically and make balanced judgements about any information we find and use. It empowers us as citizens to reach and express informed views and to engage fully with society.
Faculty Librarians teach information literacy skills. We equip students to be able to locate authoritative sources for their assessments, to understand and evaluate the information they find and to integrate academic evidence into their writing. We guide researchers to develop detailed, robust search strategies and to mine the breadth and depth of our extensive resources.
Read more about our teaching principles and provision of information literacy guidance.
How we deliver information literacy training
We teach information literacy in collaboration with departments or faculties. Depending on the discipline we will either support individual departments with teaching sessions embedded in modules, or coordinate materials and teaching across a faculty. Read more about our expectations and responsibilities across these different modes of teaching using the links below.
For department-based teaching, at a programme level we offer a minimum of an induction, an introductory session about information literacy and a dissertation (or equivalent final project) session. We can also offer an enhanced provision in some circumstances, which might cover additional sessions at other points in the programme. This enhanced offer would usually be available to programmes which meet either or both of the criteria below.
- Information literacy, evidence-based practice or similar is (part of) a programme learning outcome;
- The department’s student enrolment data shows at least 10% of undergraduate students from the most deprived areas based on Index of Multiple Deprivation (IMD) data.