Go on a library tour! Virtual, or self-guided...

News | Posted on Tuesday 19 September 2023

We have not one but TWO new tours available for you. Whether you're new to York or you've been here for ages but want to know more about our services, going on one or both of the tours will give you lots of useful #UoYTips.

Poster showing Library Point 2 with a QR code
Look out for the green Self-Guided Tour posters in the Morrell.

Self-Guided Tour 

We have 10 posters like the one above, 8 of which are on Floor 0 of the Morrell. Scan the QR code and get a bite-sized intro to the area you're in and the relevant services - either by reading a short webpage or watching a short video. 

Virtual Tour 

Get to know our main buildings (and some of our staff, who do the voice-over for this one) with our brand new Virtual Tour - learn about our digital labs, the Skills Centres, the Family Study Room and of course where to find books for your subject. 

If you have any questions, get in touch!