Unity in Adversity shortlisted

News | Posted on Wednesday 18 April 2018

Dr Charlotte O’Brien’s book Unity in Adversity has been shortlisted for the Enthnography Award given by BBC Radio 4’s Thinking Allowed programme.

Launched in 2014 in association with the British Sociological Association (BSA), the annual award recognises books and articles that have made a significant contribution to the field of ethnography: the detailed and descriptive recording and analysis of the life of a culture or subculture.

In Unity in Adversity Charlotte O’Brien examines EU law in action to chart the political, legal and administrative obstacles to equal treatment faced by EU nationals engaging with UK welfare systems. Drawing upon the EU Rights Project, a ground-breaking venture working directly with EU nationals in the UK to provide advocacy and advice, Charlotte draws on several cautionary case studies to suggest the notion of equal treatment for EU nationals is an illusion.

After receiving the news of her shortlisting Charlotte wrote: “It is stunning for me, as a lawyer, to be in such amazing company on the Thinking Allowed ethnography award shortlist - not least as it means crossing disciplinary divides. Glad it means that the plight of EU nationals at risk of poverty in the UK is not being ignored.”

Unity in Adversity is published by Hart Publishing.

Listen to the Ethnography Award Shortlist 2018 on BBC Radio 4 Thinking Allowed.