Smoking ban in England
We estimate the equity impacts of the 2007 smoking ban in England on both active and passive smoking. We find that, whilst the ban did not reduce the level of active smoking, it did significantly reduce exposure to secondhand smoke. Poor non-smokers were most affected, leading to significant reductions in socioeconomic-related health inequalities.
Core research team
- Matthew Robson (Department of Health Sciences, University of York)
- Tim Doran (Department of Health Sciences, University of York)
- Richard Cookson (Centre for Health Economics, University of York)
- Joseph Lord
- Robson, M., T. Doran and R. Cookson, (2019), ‘Estimating and Decomposing Conditional Average Treatment Effects: The Smoking Ban in England’, HEDG Working Papers, 19/20
- Robson, M., J. Lord and T. Doran, (forthcoming), ‘Equity Impacts of the Smoking Ban in England’
Funding: This study was funded by the Wellcome Trust (205427/Z/16/Z)