Full lifecourse economic evaluation


This project developed methods for the economic evaluation of childhood policies that allow not only standard benefit-cost analysis of long-term return on investment in monetary terms but also:

  • wellbeing analysis of long-term impacts on individual wellbeing and social welfare
  • targeting analysis of which kinds of children benefit most in the long-term and which targeting options are most cost-effective
  • distributional analysis of long-term impacts on social inequalities within the general population.

We illustrated our methods by conducting a full lifecourse evaluation of a training programme for parents with young children showing signs of conduct problems.

Core research team


Funder: This work was funded the National Institute for Health Research (SRF-2013-06-015) from 2017 to 2018, the Wellcome Trust (Grant No. 205427/Z/16/Z) from 2017 to 2021 and the Prevention Research Programme from 2019 to 2021 (ActEarly Programme, MR/S037527/1).