Production and Operations Management: Introduction to the systematic review of evidence
Event details
The aim of this workshop is to provide researchers with an opportunity to improve their research skills in using systematic methods of reviewing existing literature/data, their critical appraisal and synthesising the findings. We will focus on the systematic literature review process, demonstrating how by following seven steps even novice researchers can deliver reliable and replicable systematic literature reviews.
In this introductory workshop, we will explain what systematic literature reviews are and their different types, and how to identify appropriate systematic literature aims and corresponding search terms. Participants will then have an opportunity to use online databases to identify papers that meet specific criteria and develop data extraction and analysis strategies providing a rigorous overview of the current status of evidence in their areas of interest.
All participants will be required to submit their one-page systematic review protocols a week before the workshop, including: title; research background and rationale; research aim(s); criteria for inclusion and exclusion of evidence (e.g., studies); list of databases (e.g., Scopus); search terms; quality assessment (if any); data extraction method; and approach to the synthesis of results.
9:30-10:00 Coffee and a chat
10:00-11:00 Introduction to systematic reviews
11:00-11:30 Coffee break
11:30-12:30 Systematic review process
12:30-13:30 Lunch
13:30-14:00 Develop a systematic review protocol
14:00-15:00 Conduct systematic review search
Note: Participants must bring laptops and be able to complete online activities.
Professor Natalia Szablewska
Natalia Szablewska is Professor in Law and Society in the Faculty of Business and Law at The Open University (UK). She currently serves on the Modern Slavery Leadership Advisory Group to the New Zealand Government, as a Chair of Business and Human Rights Committee for Australian Lawyers for Human Rights (ALHR) and is a visiting Professors (2022-23) at the Institute of Legal and Philosophical Sciences of the Sorbonne (France). Natalia has over 20 years of experience working in public policy, research and academia in five countries. Her research centres on themes at the intersection of law, policy and ethics. She has published widely for various audiences and across a number of disciplines and conducted systematic reviews in areas of modern slavery, human trafficking and public health focusing on Indigenous peoples. She is a qualified reviewer for the Joana Briggs Institute Evidence Synthesis Journal at the University of Adelaide (Australia).
Professor Krzysztof Kubacki
Krzysztof Kubacki is Professor of Marketing and Society and Associate Dean International in the Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Business at the University of Plymouth. Krzysztof’s previous academic appointments include the University of Wales in Aberystwyth, Keele University, Griffith University (Australia), and AUT (New Zealand). He was Deputy Director of Social Marketing@Griffith, HDR Director at Griffith Business School, and Associate Dean Postgraduate at AUT. He spent five years as VicHealth’s inaugural Social Marketing Research Practice Fellow (Victoria, Australia), working on the identification, trial, evaluation and critique of behaviour change programmes. Krzysztof has lead evidence synthesis as well as the development and evaluation of several community, state and nationwide marketing and public health campaigns in areas such as active transport, physical activity, alcohol harm minimisation, healthy diet and gender equality.
The presenters have recently had a systematic literature review published entitled, 'Empirical business research on modern slavery in supply chains', which will be of interest to attendees.