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Home>About the University>Sustainability>What we are doing>Health and wellbeing

Health, wellbeing and sustainability

The University has an array of support available for mental health and wellbeing, as well as outdoor activities to get involved in around campus.

We want to ensure our staff, students and the wider community are living healthy lives, so they are in the best place possible to contribute to a sustainable future. A future that they can be happy and healthy in.

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Sustainability at York

Walks and trails

There are several walks and activities available for staff, students and the public to explore around our campus.

Find them on the map

Mental health and wellbeing

Looking after your mental health is key to getting the most out of your University experience.

Sport and fitness

A healthy and active lifestyle is important to leading a healthy, sustainable life. After all, if we want to keep the world we occupy in good shape, the better shape we're in, the better we'll be able to make sure that we do so. 

  • Our student life pages provide information on getting involved with sport in your college or the University
  • Our travel page will show you how to access the University bike pool, cycle training and other cycle schemes for staff and students
  • York Sport operate our two on campus gyms and fitness centres, on Campus East and West

Food for Life

The University recognises its responsibility to address the sustainability and carbon intensity of its food supply chains, and serve food that is better for our health and environment.

  • Twelve of our catering outlets across Campus have been recognised for serving Food for Life; we have Bronze certificates from the Soil Association for serving meals that use less, better meat, responsibly sourced fish and locally sourced ingredients. 

Learn more about Food for life



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Sustainability at York