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Faculty Operations Group (Sciences)

Objectives and outcomes

The Faculty Operations Group (FOG) reports into the Faculty Executive Board (FEB) and provides operational, compliance and assurance oversight for the Faculty.

Chaired by the Head of Faculty Operations (HoFO), the Group has delegated authority from the FEB to oversee delivery operational matters underpinning the Faculty Strategy, associated plans and the Faculty’s overall academic excellence and financial sustainability.

The FOG also seeks and provides assurance that the Faculty is compliant with external legislation, University-wide, Faculty and departmental/school policy and regulation and internal controls across the breadth of its functions.


The remit of the Group under the following core, agenda-aligned headings is:

(a) Strategic development, planning, performance monitoring and resourcing: items for consideration and/or decision

  1. To evaluate, risk assess the operational impact of the Faculty Strategy and associated plans and activities, and approval plans and activities for implementation
  2. To approve and monitor performance against a set of agreed PIs and measures for the Faculty’s operations, stemming from the Strategic KPIs, escalating areas requiring performance focus to FEB
  3. To undertake detailed monitoring of the Faculty Risk Register on behalf of FEB, and consider the adequacy of the content, scoring and mitigations for Departmental Risk Registers, including escalation of significant areas of opportunity and threat to the FEB
  4. To periodically monitor the financial performance, including operating budgets, of faculty departments and schools, and cross-faculty operational activities
  5. To work with Faculty and Professional Support colleagues across the University to develop assurance and compliance plans for the Faculty
  6. To undertake post-investment evaluation in relation to Faculty projects and initiatives or lessons learned in relation to investigations, incidents or internal control weakness within the Faculty
  7. To provide a channel for communication to and within the faculty on operational matters
  8. To provide a hub for sharing and development of good practice in operational matters, including taking decisions about where practice should be standardised.

(b) Policy and regulatory matters

  1. To monitor and ensure appropriate professional service operations in line with Faculty and University
    policies, including:
    1. Health, Safety and Welfare
    2. Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI)
    3. HR and employment
    4. Student-related administration
    5. Sustainability, Environment, Estates and Faculty implications of the Integrated Infrastructure Plan (IIP)
    6.  Information, Data and Digital Governance including Data Protection (including enacting formal responsibilities as data owner
    7. Financial Regulations and related policies (including Procurement, Travel and Expenditure) and internal audit
    8. Governance and Assurance
  2. To consider and act upon the findings and recommendations of internal audit, Major Incidents, inspections and other compliance assurance exercises involving the Faculty
  3. To escalate significant policy and assurance matters (including non-compliances) for discussion and decision of FEB.


The FOG reports to FEB.

The FOG balances approval of operational plans and activities across the full range of Faculty functions and its internal control environment, with seeking and providing onward assurance to the FEB and University-level bodies and role-holders with statutory and regulatory compliance obligations.

The FOG is expected to fully co-operate with any inspections, reviews or audit investigations commissioned by the Faculty, University or external bodies.

In turn, the FOG can expect to receive professional instruction, advice and support from the Faculty academic or Professional Services colleagues around operational, assurance and compliance matters involving the Faculty and its departments and schools. 

Reporting and frequency

Reporting to the FEB

The FOG reports key points arising from its meetings to the next meeting of the FEB.

Ad hoc: where urgent operational, assurance and compliance matters pertaining to the Faculty require direct escalation to the FEB for decision or discussion. 

Reporting to the Committee

It is yet to be confirmed which core groups/committees will report to the FOG.

Beyond this, the FOG is empowered to establish its own sub-groups to reflect the requirements of the FEB, promoting a task and finish approach where possible. The notes of the above Groups (or updates drawn from these in writing) should be presented to the FEB on a timely basis. 

Reporting from the Committee

The FOG will also report to the Heads of Professional Services Group (HoPS) where appropriate.

Meeting frequency

The FOG will meet at least once a month, with variations as required.

Meeting modes

Meetings to be held either in-person, online or via a hybrid format, subject to agreement by members.


The FOG’s membership comprises:

  • Natalie Armstrong, The Head of Faculty Operations (Chair)1
  • Deputy Heads of Faculty Operations
  • Head of Technical Services
  • Faculty Marketing and Recruitment Business Partner
  • Senior HR Advisor
  • Faculty Finance Manager
  • Faculty Research Manager
  • Representatives from:
    • Student and Academic Services
    • Directorate of Technology, Estates and Facilities (DTEF)
    • Health and Safety

1 The HoFO will allocate one of the Deputy Heads of Faculty Operations to convene the FOG in their absence assigning interim Chairship from the pool of Deputy Heads of Faculty Operations.

In routine/recurrent attendance

  • To be confirmed, Secretary

Other individuals will be invited to attend as required including the Assistant Pro-Vice-Chancellors, Associate Deans, Heads or Deputy Heads of Department/School, Heads of Professional Services, other key professional services links including those operating in a business partnering capacity (eg External Relations – Admissions, OPPA, Faculty Employability Manager Strategic Planning Partner, Faculty Research Impact Manager).


50% of members, or 50% plus one where the number of members is not even.

Meeting dates


  • To be confirmed

Students working together in a Natural Sciences seminar

Who to contact


Further links