There are many different elements to studying and revising.

This month we cover different methods for revising, how to set appropriate goals to work towards and dealing with the stress that comes with studying. There are a mixture of videos for you to watch, quizzes to complete, and resources to read. First up is something to watch. Have fun!

Something to watch

This video and activity cover SMART targets. SMART targets are a method of setting and tracking goals to help you achieve what you set out to. SMART is an acronym, meaning each letter stands for another word. The acronym is described in the video and examples are given throughout to help you understand how they work.

The video links directly to an activity sheet. The activity sheet will help you put into place what you learn in the video and start designing your own SMART targets that you want to achieve.The activity sheet has two parts

Part 1 -  Filling out the pyramid. Deciding on one long term goal, followed by two medium goals and then three short term goals. 

Part 2 - Making those goals SMART. Students must choose one goal from each level and explain how they would make it fit each level of the SMART acronym.

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Roots to Success
+44 (0)1904 324044

Now that you have watched the video, start designing your own SMART targets by completing the activity.

Complete the activity

Something to do

This section is about learning new methods for revising. The activity below has an information sheet on different revision techniques for you to learn. You need to choose one of these revision techniques and take five minutes to remember as much information about the topic given. Once you have completed your revision, head to the quiz button to see how well you revised.

Complete the activity

Take the quiz to see how well you revised!

Something to read

The final part of our lesson is to read a little information around stress. Revision can often be stressful and it's important to learn how to combat this. The PDF for you to read should hopefully improve your knowledge of different coping mechanisms to avoid or reduce study stress.

Managing stress worksheet 


Something learned

From this session on study skills, you should have achieved three key objectives. The first was to develop knowledge of SMART Targets and how to implement them. You should be able to demonstrate knowledge of the SMART acronym, what each element means and how to put this into practice. Our second objective reached is to learn and utilise different revision methods, hopefully you were able to use a new revision technique to successfully complete the bed racing quiz. And finally, you should have a better understanding of coping with stress and studying from reading the final document.

Hopefully with everything you learned today, you are able to apply SMART targets to your goals, whether they are academic, or life goals. These targets can support your studies and revision moving forward to help you achieve the best that you possibly can.

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Roots to Success

Roots to Success
+44 (0)1904 324044