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Numeracy in Twenty First Century Science

Mathematics is an essential part of science, and all GCSE science students must be able to demonstrate their ability to use mathematics skills within scientific contexts in the examination papers.

The list of mathematical skills that all GCSE science students are expected to demonstrate is included in the subject content criteria issued by the DfE, and can be found in the appendices of the Twenty First Century Science specifications.

The Twenty First Century Science student books and Kerboodle resources pack provide comprehensive coverage to help students develop the necessary mathematical skills. Throughout the student books ‘Worked example’ boxes guide students through mathematical problems in appropriate scientific contexts, with step-by-step instructions and sample working.

The new student books for Twenty First Century Science provide step-by-step worked examples to guide students through the required mathematical skills.

In addition, a 10-page ‘Maths skills’ section at the back of each student book explains the mathematical skills in detail and explains, with worked examples, how they can be useful in science.

In the Kerboodle resources pack, maths skills sheets enable students to review a worked example and then practice the mathematical skill for themselves with ramped questions.