Complete University Guide results 2023
Drama, Dance and Cinematics at York ranked 3rd in the UK.

We are the 3rd strongest for the subjects Drama, Dance and Cinematics, according to the latest Complete University Guide ranking (2023).
We have always been proud of the teaching and learning environment we foster at York, and of the community of staff and students that contribute to this.
Our courses prepare students to work in the creative industries, and all our teaching is informed both by research and current industry practice.
We are delighted to have the quality of our teaching and learning endorsed in this way. Duncan Petrie, Co Head of the School said:
"We pride ourselves on the integration of academic excellence and vocational relevance, critical thinking and creative practice. This not only informs the design and delivery of all of our programmes, it also guides our various partnerships with the various creative industries we serve, including Theatre, Film, Television, Games and interactive and immersive media."
The Complete University Guide
The Complete University Guide (CUG) is an annual league table which ranks 150 universities throughout the UK. The main league table is based on criteria including entry standards, student satisfaction, research quality and graduate prospects. This prestigious league table is aimed at guiding prestigious students in their higher education decision making. The CUG has been running for 25 years and its website attracts 10 million visitors a year.