New book from York staff
News | Posted on Tuesday 9 October 2018
Steve Ashby and Alison Leonard publish a new book telling stories about the Vikings through objects

Dr Steve Ashby, and research associate Dr Alison Leonard, are pleased to announce the publication of Pocket Museum: Vikings, with Thames and Hudson.
The volume brings together nearly 200 artefacts held in museum collections around the world, in an attempt to tell stories about the Viking Age through its objects. It was written as a labour of love: both authors saw the need for an accessible, well illustrated volume of artefact studies and biographies for the Viking Age, and to introduce this material to audiences unable to travel to the museums of Europe, North America, and Russia. Of course, there are swords and hoards aplenty, but this is not an art book, and the reader will also find in its pages manufacturing waste, casting moulds, loaves of bread, and a certain coprolite, so that some essence of the diversity of Viking-Age experience is communicated.
We hope the book will appeal to specialists, students, and viking newbies alike. Look out for associated events in York next year, and in the meantime get it on your Christmas lists!
You can buy Pocket Musem: Vikings on the Thames and Hudson website at: