This event has now finished.
  • Date and time: Friday 26 July 2019, 9.30am to 5pm
  • Location: King's Manor, Exhibition Square (Map)
  • Admission: Free admission

Event details

The first conference on Systemic Failure in Finance For Development. Lunch, tea, coffee will be provided. The conference is part of the activities of the IGDC Finance For Development (FFD) network.  

The topic of the conference is to discuss systemic failure in finance for Official Development Assistance, its root causes, the possible solutions and the barriers and enablers to the implementation of such solutions.  

We will have a few keynote speakers, followed by a focus group aimed at conducting a  horizon-scanning exercise, where the invitees will contribute to identifying the top research questions scholars need to answer in order to support policy makers in addressing the root causes of systemic failure in finance for ODA. Multiple focus groups on the same topic are being run by the FFD network in multiple locations across the world. The outcomes of the horizon scanning will be published in a high impact journal where the paper will be co-authored by all participants (an initial draft is already available).

We will conclude the day with a discussion of the sources of funding we could tap together.

oda conference agenda (MS Word , 7kb) 

For additional information, or if you would like to become part of the network, please feel free to send questions to Manogna Goparaju <> and Corrado Topi <>.


Contact us

Africa Research Network at York
Africa Research Network, University of York, Heslington, York, YO10 5DD