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York Residents' Festival 2018

King's Manor

Saturday 27 January 2018, 11.00AM to 3.30pm

King’s Manor

An opportunity to find out more about this historic building in the centre of York, and about the history of York, with some free tours and talks. 

11.00am – 12.00pm, Huntington Room
Make your own King’s Manor
A family-friendly activity for ages 8 and above.  Drop-in at any time during the hour to make your own paper-craft model of the King’s Manor. 

11.00am – 11.45am, K/G33 
Sensing York Minster: The Sights, Sounds and Smells of the Medieval Cathedral
Dr Elisa Foster, Centre for Lifelong Learning

This talk explores a very different picture of York Minster as it appears today. It focuses on the sensory experience of medieval devotion, examining how we can best understand the Minster not as only a work of architecture but also as a 'sacred space', full of lively and often unexpected stories. 

11.50am – 12.20pm, meet at King’s Manor reception (Porter’s lodge)
Tour of King's Manor 

Discover the hidden secrets of King's Manor with building's archaeologist Dr Kate Giles

12.30pm – 1.15pm, K/G33 
Taking it to the Street: The Feast of Corpus Christi in Late Medieval York
Dr Elisa Foster, Centre for Lifelong Learning

York is famous for its Mystery Plays, which will be performed again this summer. This talk looks at the origins of the plays and the Feast of Corpus Christi, focusing especially upon the great procession that paraded through the streets of  medieval York.  It will also discuss the revival of the plays and the ways in which the medieval spirit of these performances is captured. 

2.00pm – 2.45pm, K/G33 
King's Manor: A Short History of a Long-Lived Place
Dr Elisa Foster, Centre for Lifelong Learning

The beautiful site of King's Manor has been home to an intriguing list of residents and has played a key role in the history of York. Come and learn how King's Manor has changed from the Middle Ages to today, and how the building continues to share its history with its visitors. 

2.50pm – 3.20pm, meet at King’s Manor reception (Porter’s lodge)
Tour of King's Manor 

Discover the hidden secrets of King's Manor with building's archaeologist Dr Kate Giles


Events brought to you by the University's Centre for Lifelong Learning and Department of Archaeology

Square paper instructions (PDF , 358kb)

Location: King's Manor, Exhibition Square, York

Admission: is free of charge and open to all.