HotPlants! Session 2
Event details
Putting the ‘hot’ in HotPlants! Our next session will focus on chili peppers!
At this session, you will be given pots, seeds and soil, and shown how to transform them into three kitchen staples: chili peppers, basil and coriander. You will then take your pots home and channel everything you have learned from the session into providing a premium aftercare service for your seedlings. We have a community board for this session where you can post your progress, ask for advice and/or share any top tips.
Alongside Professor Jon Finch (HRC Deputy Director / HotPlants! Founder), Dr Jelena Kusakina will be guiding us through this session. Before starting her role as Research Co-ordinator at the Humanities Research Centre, Jelena completed a PhD in Plant Biology at the University of Liverpool. Jelena has since sustained her interest in plant biology through her allotment and other personal projects.