Quotes from patients

Trust in their consultants

‘she [haematologist] explained everything…I could understand everything…there was no stress involved…she seems to be able to ask the right questions and she takes it all in…she tends not to write down until we’ve finished talking…we just have a chat basically…she is so warm and pleasant, smiling, we have a laugh…I mean you come away feeling elated rather than ‘phew’ (P10)

‘maybe they just think well, if somebody is not asking at the moment, we won’t say, because this is too much information. Maybe they take their lead from where you’re at…’ (P27)

‘giving time for people to actually speak…especially when people are ill, to think about things before they ask questions…so listening is probably at the top of the list’ (P29)

‘let’s have everything as open as possible so that everybody who’s in the equation knows what’s going on or what possibilities are out there for treatments’ (P14)

‘I was a bit frightened but she said, if you do exactly as we’ve planned…you will come out of it…I’m so certain of that. Now, when any consultant tells you that, it sort of lifts you’ (P9)  

Respect for expertise

‘these people [haematologists] are much more expert than I’ll ever be…the consultant that is making the decision, it’s his team. You’ve been talked about, so it isn’t one person making that decision…in the background there’s quite a lot of people that are involved and I find that really, really soothing’ (P13)

’it’s reassuring that it is not just one person making that decision…when he [haematologist] decided I needed to start chemo, he did say he had actually spoke to a colleague of his at [place] University…I think he was a professor…and told him my symptoms, and the professor had also said, well, yes, I think it’s time to start treatment…’ (P4)

I knew they were a centre of excellence and they had very high standards…so, I just felt very…secure’ (P19) 

Interestingly, some people revealed awareness of ‘their’ consultant’s clinical and academic credentials:

‘he [patient’s consultant] was the lead consultant for the team so I thought, well that is a good recommendation’ (P24)  

‘and Prof [name] who I’ve seen perhaps 4 times and everyone wants to see Prof [name], because he’s got the biggest brain [laughs] (P28)

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Helen Cohen
ECSG Research Administrator

+44 (0)1904 32 1927
Seebohm Rowntree Building, University of York, UK, YO10 5DD

Contact us

Helen Cohen
ECSG Research Administrator

+44 (0)1904 32 1927
Seebohm Rowntree Building, University of York, UK, YO10 5DD