Nicky Waller receives a Special Recognition Award for Outstanding Contribution to STEM Education in the North East

News | Posted on Friday 24 February 2023

Nicky was presented with her award in recognition for her interaction which has inspired, engaged and enthused many young people and their teachers in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) over the past year.

On Friday 11 November at the 2022 North East STEM Awards, Nicky Waller was presented with the Special Recognition Award for Outstanding Contribution to STEM Education in the North East.

Claire Willis, STEM Business Development Manager comments: “What a fabulous evening! We were delighted to host the 2022 North East STEM awards, a regional showcase of the amazing commitment of our STEM Ambassadors, Teachers and Companies. The evening recognised the initiatives which make a real difference for STEM subjects within our regional young people. We were proud to present all the awards to individuals and companies who have shown dedication to inspire.”

This is not the first honour that Nicky has received; in 2021 she received the Excellence in Primary Education award from the Royal Society of Chemistry for sustained contributions to the professional development of primary teachers in the teaching of science.  Previously, in 2017, she was awarded with Primary Science Teacher of the Year from the Institute of Physics.

After receiving her latest recognition, Nicky said: "I was absolutely over the moon to receive the outstanding contribution to STEM education award. There are many people doing exceptional things to promote the STEM agenda across the north east, and to be recognised amongst these people and their organisations is a real honour."

Needless to say, her colleagues at CIEC are not surprised; they have seen how she inspires primary school children and their teachers in her work for CIEC, and helps to raise the aspirations of the young people she works with. Moreover, she is a positive influence for the whole CIEC team as she embodies the CIEC ethos of looking for, and building on, the best in people thus helping them to be the best that they can be.

CIEC director, Joy Parvin, told us: “I am so proud to see Nicky receiving the recognition that she deserves. I have seen how she uses her skills to raise the life chances of children while dispelling stereotypes of science careers and

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University of York, York, Y010 5DD