Remote/Online Summer STEM Primary Partnerships North West - teachers wanted!

This event has now finished.
  • Date and time: Wednesday 22 May 2024, 4pm to 5.30pm
  • Booking: Booking required

Event details

Thanks to generous funding from STEM Learning, we are delighted to invite up to 20 schools to join CIEC's Summer STEM Primary Partnerships in the North West completely free of charge! Schools will establish supported partnerships with STEM ambassadors with the aim of developing connections between industry and education. All participating schools will receive £150 worth of free science equipment to allow an UKS2 class to engage in enriching practical science activities.

Attend a remote/online training session to introduce industry-focused science activities for Upper Key Stage 2. Explore the activities first hand, empowering children to approach scientific challenges with practical problem- solving skills. During the final 30 minutes of this session, you will meet STEM Ambassadors from industry across the region. The time will be spent further refining your two classroom sessions, in collaboration with your STEM Ambassador partner and selecting dates for your classroom visits in June-July 2024. STEM ambassadors and teachers will receive on-going support via weekly drop-in Zoom sessions to ensure that your partnership project runs smoothly. You will be asked to complete short on-line questionnaires immediately before and after the training session, and at the end of the project in July. The time required for all three questionnaires will be approximately 45 minutes.

You will receive an electronic copy of the evaluation report by the end of the year.

Contact us
+44 (0)1904 322 523
University of York, York, Y010 5DD