FixOurFood Director meets HRH Princess Anne
Professor Bob Doherty was a keynote speaker at the British Nutrition Foundation annual day entitled ‘Healthier People on a Healthier Planet – the perfect outcome for a transformed food system’
On the 23rd November, Professor Bob Doherty was a keynote speaker at the British Nutrition Foundation annual day entitled ‘Healthier People on a Healthier Planet – the perfect outcome for a transformed food system’. Bob presented the achievements and aspirations of FixOurFood and was one of 6 speakers at the event alongside Prof Guy Poppy, Director of the Transforming the UK food system for healthy people and a healthy environment UKRI SPF programme which funds FixOurFood. Prof Poppy spoke about transforming the UK food system and why driving change nationally will inform the global challenge.
Bob also met patron of the Nutrition Foundation HRH Princess Anne, this presented a valuable opportunity to discuss our teams work in the Yorkshire Food System. Bob says ‘it was a pleasure to meet Princess Anne who was particularly interested in our work to prioritise dietary healthy in schools and our work with farmers on more regenerative approaches’.
The event took place in London at the Royal Society of Physicians with over 400 attendees and more online via live streaming; it considered the challenges and opportunities faced as we seek to define and encourage healthier and more sustainable diets for all.