YorkTalks - Professor Adele Fielding

News | Posted on Monday 26 February 2024

How is the Centre for Blood Research improving outcomes for patients with blood cancer? Watch the YorkTalks video from Professor Adele Fielding and find out how her experience is helping harness the three cornerstones of research into blood diseases – basic science, clinical trials and epidemiology.


Every profession has its own dialect. But, as everyone knows, doctors and scientists virtually have their own languages. So how do scientists communicate and work with doctors and, ultimately, the medical regulatory authorities to develop, test and introduce new treatments for patients?

Professor Fielding illuminates this fabulous, fascinating, though sometimes frustrating process by drawing on her training as a clinician-scientist in leukaemia research and practice, nationally and internationally. She shows how her experience as a ‘translator’ of those professional languages is helping the newly established Centre for Blood Research at York to become a national medical powerhouse by harnessing the three cornerstones of research into blood diseases – basic science, clinical trials and epidemiology.

Expect candid views from a northern working-class girl whose current mission is to contribute to the University's and the Hull York Medical School’s newest research enterprise in a way that radically improves outcome for patients with blood cancers.

You can watch the YorkTalks video on YouTube here. 

Notes to editors:

Learn more about YorkTalks on their webpage

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