Hull York Medical School Joint Senate Committee

Hull York Medical School (HYMS) Joint Senate Committee reports to the Senates of the Universities of Hull and York. 

Terms of reference

Objectives and outcomes

The HYMS Joint Senate Committee approves regulations for academic awards offered by HYMS and approves new HYMS programmes.

It is responsible for quality assurance of HYMS programmes and maintaining the academic standards of awards offered through HYMS.

Read the full Terms of reference for HYMS Joint Senate Committee

Contact us

Chair (University of Hull): Becky Huxley Binns

For agendas and minutes: Amy Muckersie
Academic Quality Contact and Secretary, University of York

  1. To approve on behalf of the Senates of the Universities, Regulations and appropriate Codes of Practice relating to academic awards for programmes of study offered by HYMS, upon recommendation of the appropriate committee of the Universities, acting jointly.
  2. To approve new HYMS programmes and major modifications to existing HYMS programmes.
  3. To assure the quality of HYMS programmes and ensure the maintenance of academic standards of such joint awards of the two universities offered through HYMS.
  4. To instigate interim programme reviews and periodic reviews in accordance with approved codes of practice.
  5. To identify good practice from HYMS and to disseminate this as appropriate within the two universities.
  6. To receive, evaluate and provide feedback to HYMS on annual programme reviews which HYMS will conduct.
  7. To consider progress and developments in HYMS on the delivery of its programmes and the quality of the student learning experience.
  8. To consider changes to the learning, teaching and quality requirements of the two universities in so far as they impact upon HYMS.
  9. To receive reports to and from the General Medical Council regarding HYMS.
  10. To ensure that teaching, learning and assessment practices promote diversity, inclusivity, and equality of opportunity, with appropriate regard for fitness to practise and fitness to study requirements.
  11. To approve the appointment of internal and external examiners, on the recommendation of the HYMS Board of Studies, in accordance with agreed criteria.
  12. To approve appointments to Honorary Clinical Academic status at Professorial level of teachers in HYMS programmes employed in the National Health Service or other institutions external to the Universities, in accordance with agreed criteria.
  13. To approve the academic management structures for progression and for awards on the recommendation of the HYMS Board of Studies.
  14. To ratify recommendations for the award of Certificates, Diplomas and Degrees.
  15. To consider recommendations and reports from the Education Committee and the University Student Experience, Employability and Engagement Committee of the University of Hull and the Teaching Committee of the University of York, relating to programmes offered by HYMS.
  16. To create as required a sub-committee to act as Joint Academic Appeals Board for the Hull York Medical School, to hear appeals against decisions of the HYMS Board of Studies in respect of awards, progression, termination, suspension, and other disciplinary sanctions, as laid down in HYMS Code of Practice on Academic and Fitness to Practise Appeals.
  17. To create, as required, a sub-committee to hear appeals against decisions of the HYMS Board of Studies taken upon recommendations made by the Fitness to Practise Panel, as laid down in HYMS Code of Practice for Fitness to Practise Medicine.
  18. To instruct the Dean of HYMS to instigate any action which may be deemed necessary to maintain and/or enhance the academic quality of any programme of study offered by HYMS.
  19. To provide a record of its decisions to the Senates of the Universities.
  20. To consider the workload associated with the Committee’s business, including via consideration of the impact of the Committee’s decisions on staff workload; and to oversee the workload associated with being a member of the Committee.

The HYMS Joint Senate Committee is made up of representatives of staff and students from both universities.

Membership of HJSC for the Academic year 2023/24

HYMS Student Representatives

  • Niamh McBride - Student Chair, Student Staff Committee, HYMS
  • Sarah Mahmood / Amber Lidster - Deputy Student Chairs, SSC (Hull and York leads) 
  • Cedric Mergental /  Marek Sadowski / Saida Mohamed  HYMS Hull Course Rep Lead (and therefore appointed HYMS Students’ Officer, Hull University Student Union) 
  • Hava Janjua / Anita Pothiraj -  HYMS York Course Rep Lead
  • HYMS PGT Lead Representative (position unfilled)
  • HYMS PGR Lead Representative (position unfilled)

Hull Student Representative

  • Chloe Fenton - President of Education of the Hull University Student Union

York Student Representatives

HYMS staff in an ex officio capacity

In attendance

  • Professor Lucy Ambrose, Director of MBBS
  • Professor Claire Hughes, Associate Dean (Teaching, Learning and Students), Faculty of Sciences, University of York
  • Becky Lloyd-Jones - University of York Academic Quality Support Officer/Assistant Secretary
  • Amy Muckersie, University of York (Secretary)
  • Lisa Tees - Academic Quality Manager, University of Hull
  • Laura Treadgold - Dean of the Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Hull

Meeting dates 2024/2025

Date Time
Wednesday 6 November 2pm to 4pm
Thursday 23 January 10am to 12 noon
Thursday 24 April 10am to 12 noon
Wednesday 2 July 10am to 12 noon

Parent committee and associated subcommittees

Contact us

Chair (University of Hull): Becky Huxley Binns

For agendas and minutes: Amy Muckersie
Academic Quality Contact and Secretary, University of York