At York, researchers collaborate across the University's seven interdisciplinary research themes to address the great scientific, social and environmental challenges of our times.

Our department has particularly strong partnerships within three themes: Health and Wellbeing, Environmental Sustainability and Resilience, and Technologies for the Future.

Health and Wellbeing

Our research is making a big difference to people's lives. We have expertise in areas such as infectious diseases and immunology, diagnosing and treating cancer, and combatting degenerative disease. 

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Environmental Sustainability and Resilience

Mitigating the effects of environmental change is a core aim of much of our research. We investigate how environmental changes affect biodiversity and ecosystems, and how we should deal with these effects. We also explore how natural products can provide sustainable food and fuel for a growing global population.

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Technologies for the Future

We work with a range of industries to develop improved medicines, oils and enzymes, and explore ways of maximising resource recovery from organic residues and wastes.

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Explore these research themes