Contract works

The Insurance Office needs to be made aware of all small, medium and major works prior to works commencing on all existing buildings and new build projects.

The University has an extension within its property cover for automatic contractors' all risks insurance cover, providing the total value of the contract is no greater than £1,000,000 and the length of the contract is no greater than 12 months.

For all works that meet the above criteria, please email with:

  • start and completion date
  • the location where the works will take place
  • a full description of the works.

For contracts with a total value greater than £1,000,000 (including VAT, fees etc) and/or in excess of 12 months, there is no automatic cover.

For projects where the contractor is responsible for insuring the works, please email with evidence of the contractor’s all risks insurance policy, employers' and public liability and professional indemnity covers together with:

  • start and completion date
  • the location where the works will take place
  • a full description of the works.

Where the University is required to provide the cover under the terms of the contract, email to arrange the required contract works insurance.

Contact us

General enquiries

Matthew Cox
Insurance Manager
+44(0)1904 322008

Sarah Broom
Assistant Insurance Manager
+44(0)1904 324059

Third parties working on University of York property are required to hold employers' liability (where applicable) and public liability insurance to a minimum of £5 million. Larger construction projects will require a higher indemnity level to be agreed.

Some contractors/service providers may need to provide confirmation that they hold professional indemnity insurance. The indemnity level should reflect the level of risk involved in the work but usually a minimum of £5 million.

  • For works on historic or higher value buildings, or that involves the use of heat, deep excavation or asbestos, a minimum level of £10 million is required.

There should always be a check upon the public liability policy of all contractors involved in Hot Work (or any other higher risk works) to ensure that this type of work is not excluded from the policy.

Contact us

General enquiries

Matthew Cox
Insurance Manager
+44(0)1904 322008

Sarah Broom
Assistant Insurance Manager
+44(0)1904 324059