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New University of York branded lock screen for managed Windows devices

Posted on 22 September 2023

A new University of York branded lock screen will be deployed to all managed Windows staff devices and classroom PCs on Tuesday 10 October.

If you are using a Managed Windows device, a laptop or desktop computer, the new lock screen will automatically appear on your device on 10 October. 

The design for the new lock screen has been developed in-house and features three iconic University of York buildings and the University logo on a dark background. An example of how it will look can be found below. 

Dark screen with slight green gradient in the top right corner. A white University of York logo is in the top left corner. In the centre of the screen are three white sketches of (from left to right), Central Hall, Heslington Hall and Ron Cooke Hub

A University branded lock screen already exists for managed Mac and Linux devices although it differs from the Windows design as it is not possible to alter screens to the same extent on these operating systems.

  • Managed Mac devices have the message ‘University of York - Managed MacOS’ followed by your name underneath the login prompt
  • Managed Linux devices have the message “IT Services GNU/Linux” and the University logo on the login screen