Dr Gill Francis

Department of Education, Leverhulme Trust Early Career Fellow

What is the subject of your research?

My fellowship research investigates genetic and environmental influences on children's play. This project uses variables related to children and selected genetic data to explore linkages or interactions between play, children’s outcomes, and their environment.

What made you decide to apply for this fellowship?

I wanted to secure funding to continue my research on children's play. Additionally, as an early career researcher, I wanted to learn how to write a grant. Through the process of the grant writing training, I identified the Leverhulme Trust as a potential funder.

What was the application process like?

There were clear guidelines for completing the application and the application was straightforward. The hardest part was writing a concise research proposal.

What have you most enjoyed about your fellowship?

I have enjoyed the opportunity to undertake an independent piece of research and to see project outcomes being achieved.

What advice would you give to someone considering applying for a fellowship?

Get familiar with the timeline and application process. Then give yourself sufficient time to write and get feedback on the research proposal before the application is submitted.