Using high-density EEG, we aim to understand the temporal dynamics of human brain activity. 

EEG is a non-invasive technique for recording the electrical activity of the brain. Electrodes placed on the scalp measure electrical impulses produced when neurons communicate with one another. 

We employ a variety of EEG analysis techniques including event-related potential (ERP) analysis, time-frequency analysis and multivariate pattern classification.

Contact us

York Neuroimaging Centre
Co-directors Aidan Horner and Beth Jefferies, Department of Psychology
+44 (0)1904 325940
York Neuroimaging Centre, The Biocentre, York Science Park, Heslington, York YO10 5NY

Our projects

Mu suppression and the “broken” mirror neuron system

Testing neurophysiological measures that tap into the human mirror neuron system.

Risk markers for early cancer detection

Understanding the gist signal and establishing how it might be exploited as a perceptual ‘risk factor.’

Empathy development

Exploring the early origins of typical and atypical empathy development using a variety of behavioural, psychophysiological and brain response methods.

Contact us

York Neuroimaging Centre
Co-directors Aidan Horner and Beth Jefferies, Department of Psychology
+44 (0)1904 325940
York Neuroimaging Centre, The Biocentre, York Science Park, Heslington, York YO10 5NY