You@York is our new web portal for applicants to undergraduate degrees who have received an offer from York. You@York has been designed to enable applicants, the University and individual departments to communicate easily with each other to support prospective students during the application process.
As soon as they receive an offer of a place, applicants are sent a username and password to log on to their own personalised space on You@York. Here they can track their application, keep in touch with their department and tap into a wealth of additional information about the University and student life at York. These applicants can also sign up for post-offer visit days, upload documents and change their personal details.
You@York helps applicants get an insight into life as a student at York with interactive modules on managing your money, what the college system is like and how to improve your study skills. International applicants will be able to deal with their Tier 4 visa application through You@York.
The e:Vision application system for potential postgraduate students has recently been updated and a full service will launch in October 2012.
Further information