Simona Manni, Affiliated Researcher, School of Arts and Creative Technologies

Simona Manni is a participatory filmmaker and researcher in interactive media working with non-linear storytelling (multiple stories created by people who have lived experience of different conditions) and co-creation to unpack complex issues.

After a PhD and a postdoc at the Digital Creativity Labs, University of York, she is currently working on a project on autism and social media for Queen Mary University of London.

In October 2023 Simona joined the Institute of Mental Health Research as an ESRC postdoctoral fellow.


Our 60-second interview with Simona:

Could you please tell us what work you do in the field of mental health?

I have been a participatory filmmaker for many years, using film and other creative arts to support diverse communities in exploring complex issues, most often related to mental health. In 2018 I started a PhD to explore how these storytelling techniques can incorporate interactive media to support the creation of more nuanced representations of mental health. I’m currently a postdoctoral researcher using participatory methods and co-design in different health-related contexts. 

What do you find most rewarding and inspiring in this work?

Witnessing how participants engage with creativity to express themselves and their viewpoints, how their stories are received by audiences, and the conversations that they generate is an absolute privilege. 

What is the most challenging or complicated aspect of this work?

I find it very challenging to maintain ongoing contact with the communities I work with beyond the scope of a single project. I think a process of continuity should be somehow embedded into the work. 

What impact do you hope your work is having - or can potentially have?

I hope that my research can help create tools to ensure that the voices of people who have direct experience of mental health challenges are heard and valued. 

Could you share with us one piece of advice that you follow for your own mental health?

Spending time in nature as often as I can and remembering that at the end of this journey we won’t be thinking of a few unchecked items on our to-do-lists, so let’s not feel guilty! 

Read Simona's staff profile