Amanda Perry, Professor in Forensic Psychology, Department of Health Sciences

Amanda is a Professor in Forensic Psychology at the University of York.

She is a Chartered Forensic Psychologist and holds an Honorary appointment with Tees Esk, and Wear Valleys NHS Trust.  


Our 60-second interview with Amanda:

Could you please tell us what work you do in the field of mental health?

I co-produce and evaluate psychological interventions to support people with mental health problems involved in the criminal justice system.  I systematically review the evidence to inform the development of new work in UK prisons and internationally and across the world.

What do you find most rewarding and inspiring in this work?

Being able to make a difference to someone’s life is one of the most rewarding aspects of my role.  The real benefit comes from seeing the progression of people who change because of their involvement in our research studies.

What is the most challenging or complicated aspect of this work?

Working within and conducting research in the prison environment is very complex.  Prisons have lots of rules that we must follow.  The logistical arrangements of organising and running research in prisons takes lots of time and persistence.

What impact do you hope your work is having - or can potentially have?

People with mental health problems in prison often don’t get the right kind of treatment.  My aim is to understand more about this problem to enable us to find treatments that are accessible, feasible and sustainable.

Could you share with us one piece of advice that you follow for your own mental health?

Talk to others about how you are feeling; try some form of exercise every day.

Read Amanda's staff profile