Caroline Waddington-Jones, Lecturer in Music Education, School of Arts and Creative Technologies

Caroline is a musician, researcher, and music educator.

Her research interests are in music and special educational needs, music technology, musical inclusion, and empathy.


Our 60-second interview with Caroline:

What do you do in the field of mental health?

I lead the CoMusicate project, which aims to co-design with adults with severe mental ill health some new technology that can support sound-based creativity and social interaction.

What do you find most rewarding and inspiring in this work?

When people with lived experience of SMI who are involved in the project are excited and inspired by the possibilities we explore together, and then offer up ideas that open up brand new possibilities.

What is the most challenging or complicated aspect of this work?

As someone not from a health sciences background, getting to grips with the nature and logistics of PPI-based research – particularly in relation to recruitment. It’s been a steep but rewarding learning curve.

What impact do you hope your work is having - or can potentially have?

We hope that the CoMusicate technology will be relevant and accessible, and that people will enjoy using it to explore individually and to collaborate on creative ideas. There are lots of expressive and therapeutic possibilities with creative sound, and potentially lots of wellbeing benefits too.

Could you share with us one piece of advice that you follow for your own mental health?

Particularly as a parent to a small child as well as a full-time academic, I attempt to reflect regularly on how I’m managing my boundaries and my spoons. Friends, cake, and being outdoors are also helpful.


Read Caroline's staff profile