All couples, whether same or different sex couples, can legally marry or form a civil partnership.

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Equality and Diversity Office
+44 (0)1904 324680

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Some of the terminology and definitions used in this glossary relate to subject matter that may be upsetting or triggering for some people.

If couples form a civil partnership they have the legal status of civil partner. This brings with it a range of legal rights and equal treatment for things such as tax, benefits, pensions, parenting responsibilities etc.137 Legislation concerning marriage for same sex couples varies from country to country.

137 Derbyshire Council - E&D Glossary

A person’s spouse, child or parent, or anyone who lives in the same household, it does not include tenants, lodgers, boarders or employees.138

138 University of St Andrew - EIA Glossary

A legal and often, but not always, religious union between two people.

Contact us

Equality and Diversity Office
+44 (0)1904 324680