YorRobots' ARE (Autonomous Robotics Evolution) Project

News | Posted on Tuesday 11 July 2023

YorRobot's ARE (Autonomous Robotics Evolution) project was showcased at Robot Lab Live. This is a virtual robotics showcase, hosted by the UK-RAS Network, and featuring some of the UK’s top robotics labs.

Now in its third year, the event brings cutting-edge robotics technology to audiences around the world in the UK’s only mass robotics livestream.

What you see in the demonstration is both simulated and real robots in action. Artificial evolution creates new robot bodies, including organs (eg wheels, legs, sensors) and where on the body these organs should go.

You see examples of this in simulation and then on real robots. Examples of robot fabrication are shown: how bodies are formed and how robots are built autonomously.

We discuss how the robot’s brain can be created and then how the brain learns. Finally, the demonstration shows examples of these artificially evolved robots operating in a real environment.