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Postgraduate Certificate in Academic Practice (PGCAP)

PGCAP is a 60-credit, Masters-level programme designed to support York staff to effectively engage with their academic responsibilities. Intended to be completed on a part-time basis over two years, PGCAP is primarily aimed at early-career lecturers and teaching staff who have less than three years of full-time teaching experience.

Each of the three 20-credit modules involves the integration of learning in multidisciplinary workshops and seminars with reflection on the experience of work-based practice. Academic supervisory support is provided to all participants throughout.

In addition to the award of 60 Masters-level credits, PGCAP is accredited by AdvanceHE, which means individuals who successfully complete the programme will secure professional recognition as an AdvanceHE Fellow.

Application process

Application process

PGCAP is sometimes oversubscribed. Allocation is based upon availability of places; your reason for applying (for example, whether or not PGCAP is an expectation of employment); and whether the range and scope of your teaching/student-support-related activity will realistically enable you to complete the programme.

Applications for PGCAP 2024/25 have now closed; applicants will be contacted by 9 August 2024 with the outcome. The application form for our 2025/26 cohort will be made available via this web page in April 2025.


The Postgraduate Certificate in Academic Practice (PGCAP) is designed to introduce new staff to evidence-based principles of good teaching and learning practice; to key pedagogical research; and, more generally, to support them in their early development as academics and teachers. This is achieved through a mix of participatory workshops and seminars, teaching observations, and disciplinary-based supervision and work. The intention is to provide an opportunity for individuals, within a peer-supported environment, to engage with a meaningful analysis of, and reflection upon, their practice as a basis for ongoing future development.

The purpose of this guidance is to provide some broad principles of when exemption might be considered on the basis of previous experience and/or qualification, and what alternatives to full exemption are available.

PGCAP Exemption Guidance

Who to contact

Duncan Jackson
Head of Academic Practice
PGCAP Programme Director

Administration email