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Introduction to Teaching and Learning

The Academic Quality and Development Team welcomes postgraduate researchers to enrol onto the Introduction to Teaching and Learning training. 

This 7-hours of blended learning training provides an induction into Higher Education learning and teaching and into working as a Graduate Teaching Assistant (GTA) at the University of York.

It aims to build your confidence to teach effectively, offering a grounding for subsequent discipline-specific induction in your department. 

All new GTAs are required to complete one version of the Introduction to Teaching and Learning workshop, though all PGRs are welcome, space permitting. 

(Your SkillsForge record will show whether you’ve already completed this training.)

What does the training comprise?

The Introduction to Teaching and Learning training consists of:

a three to four hour advance self-study component:
  to complete and submit in the two weeks before the workshop

plus a three-hour workshop: an interactive workshop** with tasks and discussion

The training covers:

  • An overview of teaching and learning in the HE context
  • Planning and preparation 
  • Marking and assessment
  • Inclusivity and diversity issues 
  • Dealing with challenging teaching scenarios
  • Support and professional development opportunities for GTAs at York

Which workshop should you sign up for? 

There are three different Introduction to Teaching and Learning workshops; you should complete the one recommended by your department:

Workshop version

Recommended by these departments


Facilitating seminars and discussion-based learning


Centre for Women’s Studies


English and Related Literature

Environment and Geography*

Health Sciences


History of Art

Language and Linguistic Science





School of Arts and Creative Technologies

School for Business and Society


York Law School 

Facilitating practical and laboratory demonstrations

Computer Science

Environment and Geography*

Hull York Medical School (HYMS)

School of Physics, Engineering and Technology



Facilitating problem-solving and problem-based learning

Economics and Related Studies



Biology: contact your GTA Coordinator

Chemistry: contact your GTA Coordinator

Find the dates for each workshop

Introduction to Teaching and learning is offered by the University as a prerequisite to teach as a GTA. The teaching offered to GTAs is almost always in-person on campus. To reflect this, the workshop for this training will be in-person only. We will not be be running it online or hybrid. An exception may be made if a PGR can provide evidence from their department that they are being hired to teach online only. Where this is the case, you should email with a request and evidence.

If you wish to gain insight into Higher Education teaching for your own professional development, we are developing online resources on The GTA Community site on the VLE (log in required).

* Choose according to the focus of your teaching work: if supporting teaching in the social sciences, the department recommends 'Facilitating Seminars', and if in the natural sciences, then 'Facilitating Labs/Practicals'. Contact your GTA Coordinator for any queries.

How to book

Bookings close two weeks before each workshop: this is to ensure you have time to complete the self-study component beforehand. You'll receive it two weeks before the workshop date.

  1. Choose one workshop, as recommended by your department: see table above.
  2. Go to SkillsForge and find the relevant Introduction to Teaching and Learning workshop. 
  3. Book a workshop: make sure you are available at that time and can complete the self-study in advance.
Staff, postdoctoral researchers, or PGT students due to commence a PhD shortly can email if you would like to engage with this training