Feature: connecting planning on air pollution, health and climate
During the years 2015-2019, SEI invested in research, tool development and capacity enhancement as part of an initiative on Low Emissions Development Pathways (LED-P Initiative). Read about the outcomes and achievements of the work creating an integrated framework for climate change and air pollution, along with easy-to-use planning and analytical tools.
About this initiative
SEI initiatives explore key issues on sustainable development and serve as hubs for our research. The aim of LED-P was to integrate air quality and climate planning and to increase the ability of national decision-makers to develop suitable strategies. Central to the development of the initiative has been the enhancement of the LEAP tool with the Integrated Benefits Calculator – making it more relevant to the planning and mitigation of air pollution from energy and non-energy sources.
Overall, the programme has i) increased understanding of the multifaceted ways in which air pollution causes an impact on health, ii) led to more capable planners able to evaluate the multiple air pollution and climate benefits of different strategies, and iii) resulted in the high-level political endorsement of plans and strategies that outline priorities for achieving these benefits, which are now beginning to be implemented.
Duration: 2015-2019
Main outputs: An integrated planning tool
Regions: global
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Frances Dixon
+44 (0) 7859147820
For all media enquiries please contact:

Frances Dixon
Communication Specialist
+44 (0) 7859147820
For all media enquiries please contact:
Frances Dixon
+44 (0) 7859147820