See also:
As a DCO or system owner, your job will involve using a number of technical tools and procedures.
You'll be given additional system privileges to help you carry out your role.
IT Services accounts |
Find out about the standard accounts created by IT Services, and what they give access to: |
Dollar ($) account |
A dollar account gives you administrator level access to your department's IT Services managed computers. Your dollar account is created using the format abc500$, and allows you to make changes or troubleshoot issues. For example, you can access Device Manager, make system changes that may require security elevation, and install software. Do not use your dollar account as your regular account or use the same password for your dollar account as your regular account. If your dollar account becomes compromised by a hack or virus, it could have far reaching security implications for the University network. To request a dollar account, please contact IT Services. To change your dollar account password, see: |
Windows and Linux power users |
Add and remove power users on managed machines in your department. Rules can be defined for a whole department, a particular machine type in a department, or an individual computer. DCOs only. For further information, see: |
University of York Directory |
Configure your entry in the University of York Directory. DCOs may also configure other users' accounts. |
Email address look up |
View the email addresses of staff within your department. DCOs only. |
Managed PCs |
Devices bought from the IT Services recommended desktop and laptop list and with an IT Services managed build installed is usually what we consider to be 'centrally managed'. This means that IT Services will provide support for this device throughout its lifecycle. The current managed version of Windows is Windows 10. |
Unmanaged PCs |
Staff devices that are not on the recommended list of desktops and laptops are 'unmanaged'. In this case, IT Services are only able to offer help on a best efforts basis, and may include offering advice on how you can fix it yourself. How to connect an unmanaged computer to the network: |
Laptop, PC and Apple suppliers |
Converge is the supplier of desktop computers and laptops for the University. This includes Windows and Mac OS compatible devices. They offer a standard specification of computer, as well as many optional extras. All recommended desktops come with a five year on-site warranty. Find out more, and view the standard specification: If you have specific requirements that are not listed, contact our account manager at Converge directly. See the above link for contact details. |
LAN Database (Men and Mice) |
Men and Mice is a database where devices are registered to allow them to connect to the University network. DCOs are able to view and edit devices in their department. Please contact IT Support to arrange training and access. Often, if you are experiencing a network issue with a computer or laptop, the first place to check is the entry for the device in Men and Mice. Make sure that the MAC address, GUID, subnet and domain are all correct as if one of these is wrong it could stop the device from getting a network connection. For more information, see: |
Virtual Machines |
Our server hosting service provides you with a server running a Linux or Windows operating system. IT Services will normally provide you with a Virtual Machine (VM), hosted on our high availability cluster of servers. The server can be used to host applications that need to be available to multiple people, or that require a server to run. Requests should normally be made via the Departmental Computing Officer (DCO). Please allow five working days for your VM to be set up by us. Find out more:
Facilities Management devices |
The facilities network uses private IP addresses and is used by devices such as CCTV, BMS, environmental control, access control, EPoS, telephony, and similar equipment. Find out more: |
Decomissioning old devices |
You will need to decommission old devices within your department. IT Services, Estates and Converge work together to provide an IT equipment disposal service Departments wishing to dispose of IT waste such as PCs, monitors, associated peripherals, scanners, printers and servers should follow the steps below. Small collections (fewer than 15 large items)
Estates and Campus Services will collect your equipment. The items will then be stored by IT Services until Converge make their regular collection. *Equipment is not securely transported or stored until it reaches Converge. It is advisable that any highly confidential data be wiped before the hardware is collected. Larger collections (15 or more large items, such as bulk PC replacements, classroom refreshes, server cabinets)
Centrally managed devices will need to be removed from Men and Mice (see above). If you have had Men & Mice training already then you can do this yourself. Otherwise, submit an issue via Footprints. Make sure you include the name of the device and/or the serial number. |
Hosted website options |
The University offers three main solutions for website hosting:
AWS is best for users with high technical knowledge who are building dynamic web applications. cPanel is useful for users wanting to use WordPress or create static websites without University authentication. Google Sites is best for users wanting to develop websites without writing code, and it allows for restricting website access to specific Google users and groups. |
York Print Plus (sometimes known as YPP) is the University's centrally managed, cloud-based printing service.
There are over 250 multifunction devices (MFDs) and over 100 printers (PRNs) in various locations across Campus West, Campus East and King's Manor.
The Desktop and Printing Services (DPS) team manage all YPP printers and replace consumables and troubleshoot issues with public devices.
Public devices are mainly for student use, and situated in or near IT rooms as well as in the Library.
Departments with YPP printers look after the printers themselves to a degree. These devices are referred to as staff devices as students are generally not permitted to use them.
Each department has a "superuser" who makes sure their YPP devices are topped up with paper and toner. Superusers are the first point of contact for departmental staff if a device has a fault. Some DCOs are also their department's YPP superuser, but this isn't always the case.
The superuser will usually manage the consumables and resolve any issues with your department's MFDs, but staff in your department may occasionally ask you to help with this.
Information Services staff usually deliver the paper automatically, but if you are running low, please contact IT Services.
DTP are our supplier for the MFDs and PRNs, as well as toner. DTP's system monitors how much toner gets used, and will send out replacements usually when the toner gets down to around 20%. Toner for staff devices is sent directly to the department. Toner for public devices is sent to IT Services.
If your toner is running low but you don't yet have a replacement, please contact IT Services.
Further information
Setup guides, prices and locations of public devices can be found at:
Security guidance
See our IT security pages for guidance on phishing, virus protection, passwords, encryption, and more:
Bitlocker encryption is applied to mobile University devices so in the event of loss or theft, the data on them is secure.
If you're using a laptop or mobile device with a version of Windows that does not support Bitlocker, you should not use that device to store or process personal data or confidential information.
IT Support |
IT Support are the first point of contact for all IT related issues and requests made by staff and students. They offer first line support via email, phone calls and walk-in enquiries. If they cannot resolve the issue, they pass it along to the relevant section within IT Services for resolution via Footprints. If you experience an issue with a device (or a colleague or student reports one to you), and you're not able to resolve it yourself, you should log it with IT Support. IT Support offer help with the University's centrally managed devices and systems. Anything bought from the IT Services recommended desktop and laptop list and with an IT Services managed build installed is classed as 'managed'. This means that IT Services will provide support for this device throughout its lifecycle. Staff devices that are not on the recommended list of desktops and laptops are 'unmanaged'. In this case, IT Services are only able to offer help on a best efforts basis. This may include offering advice on how you can fix it yourself. Students can obtain support for problems with personal devices by visiting the Library and IT Help Desk (based in the University Library on Campus West) and booking some time with one of our IT support specialists. |
Salesforce |
All requests and incidents requiring IT Services assistance should go through the IT Services. These are then managed by the IT Support team via Salesforce. When you contact IT Services (via phone, email or the online form) a ticket will be raised within Salesforce. You will receive updates from the assigned person or team to keep you updated, ask you further questions or arrange a visit with you. You can update your issue by replying to the emails. |
BeyondTrust |
BeyondTrust (formerly Bomgar) is a remote support tool used by IT Services staff to provide support to staff and students who are experiencing issues with their device. It can be used to support different devices anywhere in the world. The user downloads a small file from a secure web page to allow support staff to connect to that device. It allows support staff to share the user's screen, and see everything the user is seeing. They can also take control of the cursor. (Safeguards are in place which allow the user to take back control of the mouse at any time by simply moving it.) Usually support staff will talk to the user on the phone during a remote session, as this can help resolve the issue much more quickly. Where this is not possible, they will use the chat box feature within BeyondTrust to talk to the user. |
Slack |
Slack is a chat room service for Departmental Computing Officers and other key IT related staff across the University. DCOs with Slack accounts have access to two rooms:
For information about installing Slack, obtaining an account, and guidelines for using the available rooms, please see: |
SSL certificates |
This is a specialist service available to administrators of IT systems and servers. Administrators can request SSL certificates for any service hosted under, or other domains legally owned by the University. Request an SSL certificate |
Revision control services |
Revision control is the management of changes to documents, computer programs, web sites, and other collections of information. Revision control allows for the ability to revert a document to a previous revision, which is critical for allowing editors to track each other's edits and correct mistakes. We offer access to SVN or Git to manage your changes: |
Firewall changes |
Members of the University running services on campus machines which need to be accessed from elsewhere may request changes to the firewall: |
Single sign on |
Single sign-on (SSO) is a method for logging on to some online services with your University username and password. If you have created a service that you would like to be set up to use SSO, please email your requirements to Find out more: |
System integration |
The system integration service is available to ensure that valid and relevant data is available to all University systems. |
System security review |
You can ask us to carry out an assessment of the security of any IT systems you run. |
University Data Centres |
Request data centre installations, disposals, network changes etc. |