Chelsea Davey: IGDC Events and Communications Internship

News | Posted on Wednesday 3 July 2019

University of York student Chelsea Davey undertook an internship in events and communications at the IGDC this Spring to help raise the profile of the Centre. Here’s what she got up to...

I have spent the past six months working for the IGDC as an Events and Communications Intern, starting back in January. During my time here, I have undertaken various tasks to increase staff, student and public engagement with the centre, its events and research projects via social media platforms. In particular, I have been focused on increasing Twitter engagement with the IGDC, increasing our followers by over 350 with the account reaching well over its 1000 followers target!

Alongside this, I have written a number of news articles for the IGDC website, from introducing new members to topics related to my own interests, such as LGBT rights in Brunei. I have thoroughly enjoyed working within the centre team to help organise and promote research seminars and open days, learning about new and ongoing research projects each month. I have also created the IGDC’s first quarterly newsletter to communicate the centre’s most recent research and funding achievements.

My time at the IGDC has given me valuable experience of working in communications and event-organising. I have improved my skills in IT, learning how to use new applications, such as MailJet and improving my confidence in Microsoft Excel undertaking Twitter analytics. My internship will definitely aid me in my hopes to get a job in the public sector, either in Higher Education or the Civil Service in the near future. The IGDC has even inspired me to think about doing a PhD later on in life!

I would like to say a massive thank you to my manager, Lauren, Laura and the rest of the centre team for being so welcoming, friendly and helpful throughout my internship. I have become a more confident person, learnt new skills and gained extensive knowledge about global development issues. As I come to the end of my MA and time at the University of York, I can definitely say my experience at the IGDC has been invaluable and I would highly recommend any student to take up future internships available at the centre. I am sad to leave, but I wish the centre team and the rest of the IGDC the best of luck with their future research.

The IGDC hope to create more internship opportunities for students in the future. Keep an eye out on our website and on the University of York Careers Gateway over the coming months if you’re interested in interning with us.

Contact us

Interdisciplinary Global Development Centre
01904 323716
Department of Politics and International Relations, University of York, Heslington, York, YO10 5DD, UK

Contact us

Interdisciplinary Global Development Centre
01904 323716
Department of Politics and International Relations, University of York, Heslington, York, YO10 5DD, UK