Postgraduate researchers

Research interests:

Hygienic Prisons: Sanitation, Healthcare and Rehabilitation, Eastern Bengal (c. 1890-1970)

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Families in arms: British military families and the experience of war, 1793-1815

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Registration and Archiepiscopacy in York: William Wickwane and John le Romeyn (1279- 1296)

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Gender and social history; material culture and jewelry, consumption, 

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Changing Allegiance in Aquitaine During the Hundred Years War, c.1337–1453

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Sensory Environments 1500-1750

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Memories of English Civil War on royalism

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Maronite Christian relations with Muslims in the Seventh Century

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Local Markets and Fairs in Eastern Bengal: History of Public Health and Sanitation (1885-1939)

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The Progresses of James VI & I, c.1580-1625: authority, multiple-monarchy and gendered representation on the road

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Fountains of Knowledge: middling women’s engagement with the production, use and transmission of Natural Knowledge, 1740-1810

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Eighteenth-Century British Merchant Commercial Practice and Wokring Culture

Research interests:

"Is all pappyshow": Subverting anti-corruption strategies in postcolonial Antigua and Barbuda - 1981-2021.

Research interests:

Redefining the Medical Fringe: A Visual and Textual Analysis of Medical Advertisements in English Newspapers (1770-1870)

Research interests:

Trust, Distrust and Local Networks in the Late Medieval Diocese of York

Keely Hayes Davies

Research interests:

Pageantry, Power and Pastime: The Reconstruction of a Henrician Progress

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Violence in Languedoc, 1680-1720

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Objects, Space, and the Household in Late Medieval Probate Inventories

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Managing 'private' diseases in seventeeth century London

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Dismantling the Empire: The Dynamics of Colonial Legacy-Building in the British Withdrawal from Hong Kong, 1979-97

Research interests:

Rats in the city: Black Rats, Brown Rats, Humans and Others in Early Modern London and Amsterdam

Supervisors: Mark Jenner & David Orton

Research interests:

Pyrethrum in Japan: A History of Rise and Fall, 1880s-1940s

Research interests:

The Meanings of Excrements in England and the German countries 1470-1720

Research interests:

Mary and her books: the religion, patronage and agency of England's first queen regnant, 1516 - 1558

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Between Worlds: Kenneth Cantlie and locomotive engineering in Africa, the Americas and Asia

Research interests:

Precarity, Autonomy, Spatiality: Women's Work in English Urban Centres, 1450 - 1500

Research interests:

Reputation and Magic in Early Modern England'

Research interests:

History of Vocational Training and Education in the British Chemical Industry in the Twentieth Century

Research interests:

The Growth and Development of Mercian Queenship: the Seventh to Early Tenth Centuries

Samantha Portela

Research interests:

Historical use of the Land in a coastal Brazilian Environmental Protection Area - Area de Proteção Ambiental Litoral Norte - APA NL

Research interests:

Shopping in Colonial Southeast Asia: Modernity and the Emergence of Consumer Culture in Singapore, Penang, and Surabaya 1920s – 1930s

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“No Musick’s better than the Winds do make”: Soundscapes in seventeenth-century women’s writings

Research interests:

Stationers' Company social networks c.1600-50

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Invisible Hands: a study of Indian ayahs in Britain, 1870-1950

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Seventeenth century reading as an erotic act, redefining the relationship between sex and text. Historians largely focus on 'active' scholarly reading, banishing pleasure to the periphery of studies.

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LCAB PhD Studentship in Statistics, Computing and Environmental Knowledge in the 20th Century

Research interests:

18th century Russia, Queenship, Queer History

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Policing and ordering at the grassroots: Everyday interactions between the Shanghai Municipal Police and ordinary Chinese in the International Settlement (1911-1943)

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Technology, Culture and Public History: The Digital Ecosystem as a Habitat for History

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Heroines and Victims: how was the category of “comfort women” created in China?

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The Influence of Indirect Translation on Chinese Thought: Western Translation through Japanese, 1896-1949